This complex system can be better studied by application of the coenogenic concept and hologenic and syngenic methods. Various stages of the development of an agricultural environment in the prairie areas of the North American plains are briefly described and illustrated in Plates I–VII. A new...
This concept was put forth as the “Histone Code Hypothesis”. According to this hypothesis, histones modifications provide a signaling platform to alter the chromatin states in order to bring about gene activation or silencing. The enzymes which establish these histone modifications are collectively ...
The Codes of Practice detail the care and maintenance of rabbits and closely follow the concept of the ‘Five Freedoms’, and make it an offence to fail to achieve the required standard of care. Currently (2012) there is no similar legislation in force in England. However, the RSPCA has ...
To control and analyze neutrophil migration, µ-SlideIbiTreat®chemotaxis chambers (Ibidi GmbH, Gräfelfing, Germany) were used. For murine neutrophil experiments a collagen gel (rat tail collagen 1.6 mg/ml) was prepared with a final cell concentration of 3 × 106cells/ml. The gel wa...
For example, Dandekar et al. (2013) introduce the concept of biased assimilation, where individuals stick to their inherent belief if presented with inconclusive information on a complex issue, which leads to more extreme opinions. While the agents in our model are also influenced by their ...
Objective Popular antibiotic use common sense,correct past errors in medication concept of antibiotics,to curb the phenomenon of the current abuse of antibiotics to promote antibiotic scientific,rational use.Methods Antibiotic use common sense and the necessity of universal importance.Results The overuse ...
Lancaster et al. embedded embryoid bodies in Matrigel and added growth factors for neural development during suspension culture.13After long-term neural differentiation culture, more complex cell composition and structure are obtained. This was the first time that the concept of 3D cerebral organoid us...
(1) Individual sealed chambers (called modules) for the plant cultivation, animal breeding, human habitation and microbial waste treatment are to be constructed independently to be able to study the metabolic effects of each living thing on the environmental factors within colsed ecosystem. 2. (2)...
Patient safety culture and the ability to improve: a proof of concept study on hand hygiene. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2017;38(11):1277–83. Article Google Scholar Kirkland KB, Homa KA, Lasky RA, Ptak JA, Taylor EA, Splaine ME. Impact of a hospital-wide hand hygiene initiative ...
Based on the classical concept, that the fate of myocardial tissue in the face of an obstructed coronary artery depends on the balance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand [12], two types of intervention could be envisaged: those that reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and those that incr...