--type <Filesystem>: Filesystem type to use when mounting a disk, if not specified defaults to ext4. This command can also be entered as:wsl --mount -t <Filesystem>.You can detect the filesystem type using the command:blkid <BlockDevice>, for example:blkid <dev/sdb1>. ...
--type <Filesystem>: Filesystem type to use when mounting a disk, if not specified defaults to ext4. This command can also be entered as:wsl --mount -t <Filesystem>.You can detect the filesystem type using the command:blkid <BlockDevice>, for example:blkid <dev/sdb1>. ...
The CLI commands supported by different models may vary. For more CLI commands and their description, refer to Command/Event/Error Code Query. Configuration Process The following flowchart shows the common configuration process. Figure A-1 Process for configuring the block storage service Preparing for...
This section provides some CLI commands for managing basic block storage services. The CLI commands supported by different models may vary. For more CLI commands and their description, refer to Command/Event/Error Code Query. Managing Storage Pools Table B-1 Commands for managing storage pools ...
Type 'help' to view a list of commands. (parted) help align-check TYPE N check partition N for TYPE(min|opt) alignment help [COMMAND] print general help, or help on COMMAND mklabel,mktable LABEL-TYPE create a new disklabel (partition table) mkpart PART-TYPE [FS-TYPE] START END make...
discussed is the-tioption, which is used to create a container in interactive mode. It will start a terminal inside the container to interact with the container. If you passcmdas a parameter, it will launch a command prompt within the container, and then you can interact by using commands...
Type / to open the list of available commands. Navigate the list using the Up and Down arrow keys until you hear the command you want and press Enter to select it. If you know the command you wish to use, type the command in the Search field, and press Enter. ...
Open an administrator-level PowerShell command prompt. Run the following command: PowerShell Kopija Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers If prompted to install the NuGet provider, type Y and press ENTER. If prompted to install the module from PSGal...
Assuming that you have NodeJS, NPM, and Git installed, enter the following commands at the command line: > git clone https://github.com/yazz/visualjavascript.git > cd VisualJS > npm install > npm start Browse tohttp:// open VisualJS ...