but in American football, there are many ways to get point. The heightest point is 6 point, it's very difficult to get. The player must take the ball in the defense team's end zone. This is have a terminology called "Touchdown(TD)". After a touchdown, the team have one or ...
Terminologyconsists of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as in medicine:photoscanning, hepatitis, indigestion, penicillin;in mathematics:algebra, trigonometry, calculus;in music:symphony, orchestra, sonata, concerto;in education: audiovisual, megauniversity, microteaching, etc....
Part of their problem was terminology. The various forms of the word hook (verb, noun, adjective) solve this problem. Incidentally, Hookmark co-inventor, Luc P. Beaudoin, gave a keynote presentation at the Human’22 Hypertext workshop explaining this concept (see Interview with Luc Beaudoin...
Terminologyconsists of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as in medicine:photoscanning, hepatitis, indigestion, penicillin;in mathematics:algebra, trigonometry, calculus;in music:symphony, orchestra, sonata, concerto;in education: audiovisual, megauniversity, microteaching, etc...