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Work through algebra practice problems in one and two variables. Learn how to solve and graph algebra problems, and examine the solutions to sample algebra problems.
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'Al-jabr' which means the 'reunion of broken parts' and Algebra is considered as the science of restoring and balancing, according to the Persian mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi. Therefore, the meaning of Algebra is finding the unknown, or putting real-life variables into equations in order to sol...
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Algebra Basics - Part 1 What is Algebra? Solving Basic Equations Pt. 1 Solving Basic Equations Pt. 2 Solving 2-Step Equations Algebra Basics - Part 2 Exponents in Algebra Laws of Exponents What are Polynomials? Simplifying Polynomials The Distributive Property ...
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Basic polynomial graphs are important to be familiar with in algebra, and this quiz/worksheet will help you test your understanding of their application and characteristics. Quiz & Worksheet Goals In these assessments you'll be tested on the components and applications of: ...
11. Introduction to Algebra. Introduction to Variables. Solving Equations: The Addition Property. Solving Equations: The Multiplication Property. Solving Equations Using Addition and Multiplication Properties. Equations and Problem Solving. Appendix A: Addition Table and One Hundred Addition Facts. Appendix...
Ordinary differential equations ODE Analyzer Assistant (and dsolve command) Partial differential equations pdsolve command Integer equations isolve command Integer equations in a finite field msolve command Linear integral equations intsolve command Linear systems LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve] command Rec...