Bash For Infinite Loop In one Line # for (( ; ; )); do echo "Hello World!"; done # while true; do echo "Hello World!"; done # while :; do echo "Hello World!"; done 1. 2. 3. Bash For Loop In One Line with Files # for i in *; do echo "Found the following file: $...
# for i in $(seq 1 5);do echo $i ;done Bash For Infinite Loop In one Line 代码语言:txt 复制 # for (( ; ; )); do echo "Hello World!"; done # while true; do echo "Hello World!"; done # while :; do echo "Hello World!"; done Bash For Loop In One Line with Files 代...
10 Bash for Loop In One Line Examples Bash For Loop Examples In Linux What Is Bash in Linux?...Bash for Loop In one Line with items # for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do echo "$i" ; done # for i in {1..5} ; do...$i" ; done # for planet in Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter...
/bin/bash declare i=0 while [ $i -le 10 ];do if [ $i -eq 5 ];then echo "loop finished." break fi echo $i let i=$i+1 done [root@localhost tmp]# ./ 0 1 2 3 4 loop finished. 上述例子在while循环体内嵌套了一个if选择语句,当i=5时,跳出循环体,此时后续循环不再继续...
# NOTE: ‘while’, ‘until’, ‘case’, ‘(())’, ‘[[]]’ can also be used. f()if true; then echo "$1"; fi f()for i in "$@"; do echo "$i"; done if语法更短 # One line # Note: The 3rd statement may run when the 1st is true ...
while-loop 将运行直到表达式测试为真。will run while the expression that we test for is true. 关键字"break" 用来跳出循环。而关键字”continue”用来不执行余下的部分而直接跳到下一个循环。 for-loop表达式查看一个字符串列表 (字符串用空格分隔) 然后将其赋给一个变量: ...
making them a good choice for basic array looping. ‘While’ and ‘until’ loops offer more control over the loop condition, which can be useful in more complex scenarios. However, they require you to manually manage a counter variable, which can lead to off-by-one errors if you’re not...
whileloops are useful in scripts that depend on a certain condition to be true or false, but you can also use them interactively to monitor some condition. The important things to remember are: Always be clear about what is the condition toendthe loop. If that is something that you expect...
Also, we can write for loop in one line, but in this case there needs to be a semicolon before do, like below:for i in {1..5}; do echo $i; doneBy the way, if seems a little bit weird to you, you can also write for in C-like style such as:...
while-loop 将运行直到表达式测试为真。will run while the expression that we test for is true. 关键字"break" 用来跳出循环。而关键字”continue”用来不执行余下的部分而直接跳到下一个循环。 for-loop表达式查看一个字符串列表 (字符串用空格分隔) 然后将其赋给一个变量: ...