Bash For Loop In One Line with Files # for i in *; do echo "Found the following file: $i"; done # for i in `cat filelist.txt`; do echo ${i}; done; if a line may include spaces better use a while loop: # cat filelist.txt | while read LINE; do echo "${LINE}"; done ...
Bash For Loop In One Line with Files 代码语言:txt 复制 # for i in *; do echo "Found the following file: $i"; done # for i in `cat filelist.txt`; do echo ${i}; done; if a line may include spaces better use a while loop: # cat filelist.txt | while read LINE; do echo "...
本教程解释了Bash中while循环的基础知识,以及用于改变循环流的break和continue语句。...Bash while 循环 只要给定条件的计算结果为true,while循环就会使用一组给定的命令执行未知次数。...否则,如果条件的计算结果为false,则循环将终止,程序控制将传递给后面的命
此方法使用的内存少于mapfile方法,并在bash3中工作,但对于较大的文件,它的速度较慢。 lines_loop() { # Usage: lines_loop "file" count=0 while IFS= read -r _; do ((count++)) done < "$1" printf '%s\n' "$count" } 用法示例: $ lines ~/.bashrc 48 $ lines_loop ~/.bashrc 48 计算...
for Output in $(ls) do cat "$Output" done # Bash can also accept patterns, like this to `cat` # all the Markdown files in current directory for Output in ./*.markdown do cat "$Output" done # while loop: while [ true ] do echo "loop body here..." break done # => loop ...
/bin/bash declare i=0 while [ $i -le 10 ];do if [ $i -eq 5 ];then echo "loop finished." break fi echo $i let i=$i+1 done [root@localhost tmp]# ./ 0 1 2 3 4 loop finished. 上述例子在while循环体内嵌套了一个if选择语句,当i=5时,跳出循环体,此时后续循环不再继续...
; done while read -r line; do ...; done <myfile #If only one word a line, simply for line in $(cat myfile); do echo $line; read -n1; done #Loop through an array for i in "${arrayName[@]}"; do echo $i;done While loop, # Column subtraction of a file (e.g. a 3... #!/bin/bash while : do echo 'never stop' done while 语句可以写为一行,用分号隔开。大多数 bash 语句可以写为一行,但是可读性不好。 #!/bin/bash count=0 while [ "$count" -lt 5 ]; do echo $count; ((count++)); done 单中括号和双中括号区...
while-loop 将运行直到表达式测试为真。will run while the expression that we test for is true. 关键字"break" 用来跳出循环。而关键字”continue”用来不执行余下的部分而直接跳到下一个循环。 for-loop表达式查看一个字符串列表 (字符串用空格分隔) 然后将其赋给一个变量: ...
Using a "do while" loop in bash scripting is simple. Here, ‘-le’ keywords indicate the "less than or equal" sign of a normal programming language. The following script will run until the variable's value is greater than five. #!/bin/bash echo "Do while loop example" a=1 while [...