kill -0 ${pid} 2> /dev/null ; then # process is not running anymore # don't worry kill -0 doesn't harm your # process mv ${jobdir}/${started_job} ${jobdir}/${jobid} fi done fill_process_queue ${num_jobs} ${jobdir} ${jobdir}/*.open sleep 30s done # if ... args: name: ${"namespaces/" + project_id + "/jobs/" + job_name} location: ${job_location} body: overrides: containerOverrides: env: - name: INPUT_BUCKET value: ${event_bucket} - name: INPUT_FILE value: ${event_file} result: job_execution ...
If a command is terminated by the control operator &, the shell executes the command in the background in a subshell. The shell does not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0. 即,当要执行的命令以&结尾时,这个命令会在后台子 shell 执行。 当前shell 不会等待这个命令执...
根据wait手册页,wait with multiple pid's只返回等待的最后一个进程的返回值。因此,您需要一个额外的循环,并按照答案中的建议分别等待每个PID。 @尼尔斯:你说得对,对不起。所以应该是:for i in $n_procs; do ./procs[${i}] & ; pids[${i}]=$!; done; for pid in ${pids[*]}; do wait $pid...
If you have asked such question: does bash wait for a command to finish, you can find the answer here. In this article you will also find out how the WAIT command can help.
In Bash you can start new processes (theads) on the background simply by running a command with ampersand &. The wait command can be used to wait until all background processes have finished (to wait for a certain process do wait PID where PID is a process ID). So here’s a simple...
1.使用&在后台运行salt 1.保存其PID 1.在未来的某个时候,wait 1.获取wait的退出状态 ...
Linux/BSD command line wizardry:Learn to think in sed, awk, and grep. Grep finds strings; Sed replaces strings; Awk finds columns. Grep:查找 Sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text 流编辑、替换 Awk:pattern scanning and processing language. 取字段 ...
Summary While executing 'gitlab-ctr reconfigure' I get an error "Error executing action run on resource 'bash_hide_env[migrate gitlab-rails database]'". Unfortunately, I...