But I want this "wait" command to be interuptable by signals send from my other scripts. Sleep isn't interupted, so unless i run in a loop sleep 0.00001s, which kills the point of signals, it won't react in real time when i press next or previous. Timeout in ter...
for (( i = 0; i < TIME; i++ )); do read -n 1 -t 0.1 key; #等待按键 (($?==0)) && keypress; (($?==0)) && keyarray+=(${key:-space}); (($?==0)) || keyarray+=("nothing"); key="$(readkey)" if ! [ -z "$key" ]; then ...
I already used aTeensyto send a CONTROL keypress every 10 seconds. This came in handy to keep machines from going to sleep or auto-locking. Today I wrote a script for my Bash Bunny to do the same. Warning: if you use this, make sure you unplug the Bash Bunny before you start typin...
".bashrc" E514: write error (file system full?) Press ENTER or type command to continue 按Esc + :q! 保存退出,检查磁盘空间 [root@b2cpreweb1 ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01 18G 18G 0 100% / /dev/sda1 99M 13M 82M 13% ...
Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(CheckForConsoleCancel); What did you expect to occur after running these commands? I expected the program to reach my event handler allowing me to clean up my program before exit.
For many reasons, we might want to halt the execution of a script and wait for a single keypress. While a tool for this exists in Windows as thepausebatch command, Linux has no direct equivalent. In this tutorial, we discuss what options Linux users have to emulate or simulate the batch...
We can use that to our advantage to simulate an enter keypress: $echo| Suppose we want to install a package usingPacman, and we need to skip the confirmation message. We can simply pipe the implicit newline character fromechoto thepacmancommand: # echo |...