This week at Build,Microsoft announced that we will be enabling you to run “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows” as a developer tool for Windows 10. It will natively support Ubuntu userspace and GNU/Linux utilities, including the apt-get package manager that you can use to pull down additi...
经过几次调整WSL(用于Linux的Windows子系统,也被称为Bash for Windows)可以用于Docker for Windows。
Ubuntu 系统和基于 Debian 的 Linux 发行版使用 apt-get 命令来安装软件,apt 即(Advanced Package Tool)高级包管理工具的简称,由于 Bash on Windows 使用的是 Ubuntu 14.04 系统,所以也完全兼容 apt 系列命令,其中就包括: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install apt-cache search apt-get remove apt-...
Ubuntu 系统和基于 Debian 的 Linux 发行版使用apt-get命令来安装软件,apt 即(Advanced Package Tool)高级包管理工具的简称,由于 Bash on Windows 使用的是 Ubuntu 14.04 系统,所以也完全兼容 apt 系列命令,其中就包括: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install apt-cache search apt-get remove apt-get...
Windows Terminal Preview 1.11 is here! Come check out what's new in our open source command line tool. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console Jul 14, 2021 9 2 Windows Terminal Preview 1.10 Release Kayla Cinnamon It's Windows Terminal release day! This release intro...
本文介绍了如何在Win10上运行Linux Bash。前段时间笔者使用的Linux云主机到期了,并且也没有续约,所以最近想使用Linux(其实就是用Bash)的时候只能干着急。...这两天突然想起以前看过新闻说Windows上也可以运行Linux Bash,所以网上找了教程,试了试成功了: ? 点击“阅
“In our journey to bring free software to the widest possible audience, this is not a moment we could have predicted. Nevertheless, we are delighted to stand behind Ubuntu for Windows, committed to addressing the needs of Windows developers exploring Linux in this amazing new way, and are ex...
I'm using bash as my default console, but I cannot execute any Windows binary: $ /mnt/c/Windows/notepad.exe Failed to execute process '/mnt/c/Windows/notepad.exe'. Reason: exec: Exec format error The file '/mnt/c/Windows/notepad.exe' is ...
More Windows Store devs = more windows mobile Apps. DanNeely - Thursday, March 31, 2016 - link It's not uncommon for a FOSS tool to either only have a bash script for setup/config or to have a .bat file that's significantly out of date or less capable than the .sh that the tool...