/bin/bash这是NPPExec控制台的输出:NPP_EXEC: "C:\bin\foo.sh/bin/bashThe system cannot find the file specified."This is a test script" === 浏览2提问于2012-01-28得票数1 1回答 Bash脚本,找不到文件 我目前正在为我的CentOS7服务器编写一些脚本,只是为了简化拥有服务器的过程。我写了这个简单的...
–grep “keyword” file_name:在file_name中查找包含”keyword”的行。 11. find:根据特定条件查找文件。 –find /path/to/dir -name “file_name”:在指定目录中查找名为”file_name”的文件。 12. chmod:修改文件权限。 –chmod 777 file_name:将文件的权限设置为rwxrwxrwx。 13. chown:修改文件所有者。
cp file.txt new_file.txt cp -r directory new_directory 1.7 mv mv命令用于移动文件和目录,也可以用来重命名文件和目录。它的用法是: mv [选项] 源文件/目录 目标文件/目录 示例: mv file.txt new_directory/file.txt mv file.txt new_name.txt mv directory new_directory 1.8 find find命令用于查找文...
for file in $files; do echo "$file" # 在这里可以添加对文件的处理逻辑 done 解释脚本的各个部分: 第4行定义了要遍历的目录,将/path/to/directory替换为实际的目录路径。 第7行使用find命令查找目录下的所有文件,并使用-printf选项指定输出格式为%T@ %p\n,其中%T@表示文件的最后修改时间(以秒为单位),%p...
$ls-i #显示文件或目录的inode编号,可能在系统维护操作时需要(如find命令中用inode编号移除文件名中有特殊字符的文件)265182a917505b265183c.txt265184d.txt265185e.txt $ls-n #类似于-l,但用uid和gid代替显示所有者和用户组 total8drwxrwxr-x.3100110014096May1115:01a ...
/bin/bash prev_count=0 fpath=/var/log/apache/2daygeek_access.* find $fpath -type f -mtime +15 -exec ls -ltrd {} \; > /tmp/file.out find $fpath -type f -mtime +15 -exec rm -rf {} \; count=$(cat /tmp/file.out | wc -l) if [ "$prev_count" -lt "$count" ] ;...
To find out who's on your servers, Linux provides the w (for "who") command. It displays information about the users currently on the computer system and those users' activities. w shows user names, their IP addresses, when they logged in, what processes they're currently running, and ...
man is how you find the information you need to understand how any command works.Most Bash and Linux commands support the --help option. This shows a description of the command's syntax and options. To demonstrate, enter mkdir --help. The output looks something like this:...
Once you’ve gotten help from within the terminal, you can start navigating the file system. You’ll learn how to list directories and find files, as well as how to work with directories and files themselves. This includes creating, copying, moving, and deleting directories and files. You’...
$>find.-typef-execsha256sum{}+ And now to search for and get rid of duplicate .jpg files: $>find.-typef-name'*.jpg'-execsha256sum{}+|sort-uk1,1 Reference file descriptors In the Bash shell, file descriptors (FDs) are important in managing the input and output of commands. Many...