当你遇到 -bash: svn: command not found 这个错误时,通常意味着 SVN(Subversion)客户端没有在你的系统中安装,或者其可执行文件的路径没有添加到环境变量中。下面我将根据这些可能的原因,逐一给出解决方案: 1. 确认用户环境是否已安装svn 首先,你需要确认你的系统中是否已经安装了 SVN。你可以通过尝试运行 svn ...
今天升级了Xcode5.界面更加的清爽了,但是在命令行里SVN也失去了作用了. 当我要更新的时候提示:“-bash: svn: command not found” 解决办法: 1:打开Preference 找到Downloads 2:下载CommandLine 搞定~
尝试修改/etc/profile文件,加入svn的路径。或者使用定义个变量,如:SVNPATH=$PATH:/opt/subversion/bin,然后引入变量 export SVNPATH
I would like to check out tags from svn via Jenkins with bash command. But I get the error message svn command cannot be found, although I have written it clearly. Here is what my line looks like: svn checkout http://xxx-yyyyy.zzz.xx-www.com:8888/xxx/yyy/$QQQ_tag $DDD/aaa/ -...
(注意:在修改前,建议你先把profile文件备份一份,以免改错了找不回来)尝试修改/etc/profile文件,加入svn的路径。或者使用定义个变量,如:SVNPATH=$PATH:/opt/subversion/bin,然后引入变量 export SVNPATH如果不行的话,恢复原来的文件:再执行以下语句(记住:先备份文件):export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin...
If you get the error bash: svn: command not found, I take it that, linux is not your hardcore. Because this error is a beginner's question and could be easily resolved as below.It only shows that your linux server does not have subversion installed. Depending on your type of linux ...
问题: 输入ls命令,显示bash: ls: command not found... 解决方案: 直接执行下面那个 export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin 参考: http
svn 没有killall命令的解决方法 -bash: killall: command not found,debian、ubuntu系统下:apt-getinstallpsmisccentos下:yuminstallpsmiscdebian、ubuntu系统下:apt-getinstallpsmisccentos下:yuminstallpsmisc
svn 没有killall命令的解决方法 -bash: killall: command not found debian、ubuntu系统下: apt-get install psmisc centos 下: yum install psmisc