if [ "${string1}" = "${string2}" ]; then echo "Strings are equal." else echo "Strings are not equal." fi if [ "${string1}" != "${string2}" ]; then echo "Strings are different." else echo "Strings are the same." fi 参考链接 Bash String Comparison Bash Conditional Ex...
String comparison is a crucial operation in bash scripting, for tasks ranging from simple conditional checks to complex text processing.
Bash is aUnixshell and command-line language used by default in mostLinux distributions. UsingBash, developers can create scripts to perform various actions, including string comparison. String comparison includes comparing the value of two strings - their length or sequence of characters. Compare str...
Bash string comparison syntax Here is how you compare strings in Bash. if [ "$string1" == "$string2" ] You can also use a string directly instead of using a variable. if [ "$string1" == "This is my string" ] Let me show it to you with proper examples. ...
In this article, we will explain the string comparison in Bash using the if statement. A shell program running in Linux that provides the command line interface for users to execute different commands is called Bash shell. It is also used as a default shell in many distributions of Linux, ...
将上述示例代码保存到一个 Bash 脚本文件中(例如 string_comparison.sh),然后在终端中执行以下步骤: 赋予脚本执行权限: bash chmod +x string_comparison.sh 运行脚本: bash ./string_comparison.sh 观察输出结果:根据脚本中的逻辑,脚本将输出相应的比较结果。您可以根据输出结果验证字符串比较是否按预期工作。
a="abc" b="def" # Equality Comparison if [ "$a" == "$b" ]; then echo "Strings match" else echo "Strings don't match" fi # Lexicographic (greater than, less than) comparison. if [ "$a" < "$b" ]; then echo "$a is lexicographically smaller then $b" elif ...
== String comparison operator <==字符串比较 =~ Regular Expression match operator <==正则表达式匹配 但是在此也并非代表"=="在"[[]]"中不能实现正则表达式模式的匹配,也能实现部分的匹配 [root@mghuee~chunlanyy tmp]# [[ abc == a*b***c ]] &&echoyes ||echono ...
详细见列表: 格式说明 ${string: start :length} 从 string字符串的左边第 start 个字符开始,向右截取 length 个字符。 ${string: start} 从 string字符串的左边第 start 个字符开始截取,直到最后。 ${string: 0-s ... 字符串 字符串截取 转载
var="$(cut -d' ' -f 4 <<< $u)" echo"${var}" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 想了解更多请阅读 bash 的 man 页: 复制 manbash mancut 1. 2. 另请参见:Bash String Comparison: Find Out IF a Variable Contains a Substring...