# wait 500 millisecondssleep 0.5# wait 1 secondsleep1# wait 20 secondssleep20 要显示一条消息并等待 1 分钟: echo"Hello! This script will run in exactly a minute!"sleep 1m 每周重新运行脚本以终止长时间运行的 Python 进程。 whiletruedokillall --older-than 7d python3sleep 7ddone 暂停Bash 脚本...
printf “$SCRIPT:$LINENO: please run this script with the BASH shell/n” >&2 exit 192 fi if test ! -x “$who” ; then printf “$SCRIPT:$LINENO: the command $who is not available — aborting/n “ >&2 exit 192 fi if test ! -x “$sync” ; then printf “$SCRIPT:$LINENO: th...
The “sleep” command of Bash is used to stop the execution of the script for a certain period. This command is useful to do any scheduled task or to wait for a certain period before executing a particular script. The command stops the execution of the script for some specific times. The...
For example, let’s say we want to run the “sleep” command for five seconds, but we want to timeout the command after three seconds and here is the example shell script: #!/bin/bash echo"Starting sleep command with timeout of 3 seconds..." ...
4. Make the script executable with: chmod +x wait_for_process.shCopy The command has no output. 5. Run the script with: ./wait_for_process.shCopy The output is the following: "Waiting for the process to end"repeatedly if the process is running. ...
In this script, we’re starting five background processes within a loop. Each process sleeps for several seconds equal to its index in the loop. We store each process’s PID in an array. After starting all the processes, we loop through the array and use the wait command to pause each...
The tester who is going to run this script will generally appreciate it if the script terminates shortly after being invoked in case a variable is not correct. No one likes to wait a long time in the execution of the script to find out that a variable was not properly set. ...
Bash's exit status is the exit status of the last command executed in the script. If no commands are executed, the exit status is 0. An attempt is first made to open the file in the current directory, and, if no file is found, then the shell searches the directories in PATH for ...
By using the wait command and string variables, this script allows a user to quickly and easily get information about the system's uptime and current date without having to manually type the commands or navigate through the file system. With the ability to create a file named "system_uptime....