它将标准输出写入learnToScriptStandardOutput,标准错误信息写入learnToScriptStandardError,二者共同都写入learnToScriptAllOutput文件。 #!/bin/bash #As we know this article is about scripting. So let's #use what we learned in a script. #Let's get some information from the user and add it to our...
-rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 685 Oct 4 16:00 learnToScriptAllOutput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 23 Oct 4 12:42 learnToScriptInput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 0 Oct 4 16:42 learnToScriptOutput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 52 Oct 4 16:07 learnToScriptOutputError -...
它将标准输出写入 learnToScriptStandardOutput,标准错误信息写入 learnToScriptStandardError,二者共同都写入 learnToScriptAllOutput 文件。 复制 #!/bin/bash #As we know this article is about scripting. So let's #use what we learned in a script. ...
PPID=20046 <== 父程序的 PID (会在后续章节才介绍) PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;USER@USER@{HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"' <== 上面这个是命令提示字符!与底下也有关。 PS1='[\u@\h \W]$' <== PS1 就厉害了。这个是命令提示字符,也就是我们常见的 [root@linux ~]# 或 ...
When you run this script, it will prompt you for input. Enter a valid directory name and you’ll see that the script creates it in your current directory: 3. Create a Directory Using Command Line Arguments As an alternative to reading input interactively, most Linux commands support arguments...
Example 2: Take the Numeric Input Using Prompt Create a Bash file with the following script that takes a numeric value from the user using a prompt message into the $number variable. Next, the value is compared with the particular numbers to find if the number matches with any ticket or ...
read [option]… [name …] -p ‘PROMPT’ -t TIMEOUT bash -n /path/to/some_script 检测脚本中的语法错误 bash -x /path/to/some_script 调试执行 示例: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 #!/bin/bash # Version: 0.0.1 # Author: mrlapulga # Description: read testing...
1、 # bash /PATH/TO/SCRIPT_FILE 2、# ./PATH/TO/SCRIPT_FILE bash命令常见选项: bash -n bashname(脚本文件名) 检查bash脚本的语法错误 bash basename(脚本文件名) 执行脚本 bash -x bashname 显示脚本执行的详细过程 练习: 1、编辑test.sh并检查语法,显示详细的执行脚本过程(需要应用各个特殊参数表达的...
-p 'PROMPT' 读取输入的内容 -t TIMEOUT 超时时间,如果超过了该时间,继续执行下面代码 bash -n /path/to/some_script 检测脚本中的语法错误 bash -x /path/to/some_script 调试执行 示例: 输入一个磁盘文件信息,使用fdisk -l显示该磁盘信息 #!/bin/bashread-p"Enter a disk special file: "diskfile[-...
git clone -b minimal https://github.com/scriptautomate/bash-git-prompt.git ~/.bash-git-prompt --depth=1 Add to the ~/.bashrc: if [ -f "$HOME/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh" ]; then GIT_PROMPT_ONLY_IN_REPO=1 source "$HOME/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh" fi All configs for ....