@echo offif"%~1"==""setSORHOME=D:\test()ifnot"%~1"==""setSORHOME=%~1for/f %%i in(%SORHOME%\test.txt)doecho%%i 脚本的执行结果是: 【问题】: SORHOME变量的路径中带有“()”, 为了解决括号的问题,尝试了很多种,包括变量两边单引号,双引号,这些都不可以。 【解决办法】:文件夹命名的时候...
1 Bash script - "err: command not found"? 0 bash error "command not found" when using if with "or" operator 0 Bash - command not found error in if statement 0 bash script gives command not found error when using if statement 0 Bash if or statement, command not found 3 Bash ...
$> bash -c'[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo "Interactive" || echo "Not interactive" 'Not interactive 登陆过后的 shell 都是交互模式的,再交互模式下直接检测 $- 得到 "Interactive" 的结果,而bash 直接运行命令属于非交互模式,所以输出 "Not interactive" 再写一个脚本:check_interactive.sh继续验证: #!
I have been trying to make a shell script in bash that will display the following: You are the super user (When I run the script as root). You are the user: "user" (When I run the script as a user). #!/bin/bash/ if { whoami | grep "root" }; then echo $USER1 else echo...
Ifstatements are conditional statements. That is, they look at a certain expression and decide whether or not to perform certain tasks. Conditional statements are the building blocks of all programming and scripting languages. Lesson Quiz Course ...
gce_meta.sh - simple script to query the GCE metadata API from within Virtual Machines gce_when_preempted.sh - GCE VM preemption latch script - can be executed any time to set one or more commands to execute upon preemption gce_is_preempted.sh - GCE VM return true/false if preempted,...
if[a=b]&&[c=d];then... 注意,if 后面有两个命令,它们用 && 分开。等价于下面的写法: 代码语言:javascript 复制 iftest a=b&&test c=d;then... 如果第一个 test(或者 [) 命令返回 false,then 后面的语句不会执行;如果第一个返回 true,第二个 test 命令会执行;只有第二个命令同样返回 true 的情...
一、三个判断// 第一种:if else,if,else, // 第二种:三元运算符(三目运算符) // 应用于简单的if else判断 // 第三种:switch case // 应用于不同值情况的判断 // if(条件1){ // 条件1成立执行的代码 // }else if( 条件2){ // 条件2成立执行的代码 // ...
if [ $age -gt 18 ] && [ "$grade" == "A" ] then echo "Congratulations! You are eligible for a scholarship." else echo "Sorry, you are not eligible for a scholarship." fi Nested If statement In your bash script, you have the flexibility to incorporate multiple if statements as need...