In this example, the script first checks if ‘a’ is greater than ‘b’. If it’s not, it moves on to the ‘elif’ statement to check if ‘a’ is greater than ‘c’. If neither condition is met, it executes the ‘else’ statement, which in this case, prints ‘a is not greate...
if [ condition1 ]; then # code block executed when condition1 is true elif [ condition2 ]; then # code block executed when condition2 is true elif [ condition3 ]; then # code block executed when condition3 is true else # code block executed when all conditions are false fi ...
(3) 如果参数为“stop”,则删除空文件/var/lock/subsys/,并显示“stopping successfully.”; (4) 如果参数为“restart”,则删除空文件/var/lock/subsys/,并显示“stopping successfully.”;而后重新创建之,并显示“restarting successfully.”; (5) 如果参数为...
echo "The name of this script is \"`basename $0`\"." echo if [ -n "$1" ] # 测试变量被引用. then echo "Parameter #1 is $1" # 需要引用才能够转义"#" fi if [ -n "$2" ] then echo "Parameter #2 is $2" fi if [ -n "${10}" ] # 大于$9的参数必须用{}括起来. then ...
if [ condition ]; then # commands to execute if condition is true elif [ another_condition ]; then # commands to execute if another_condition is true else # commands to execute if none of the above conditions are true fi [ condition ]:方括号内是条件表达式,用于判断条件是否为真,注意,方括...
在Bash脚本中,可以使用if语句来实现多个条件的检查。if语句的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 if [ condition1 ]; then # 执行条件1满足时的操作 elif [ condition2 ]; then # 执行条件2满足时的操作 else # 执行条件都不满足时的操作 fi 其中,condition1、condition2等为条件表达式,可以使用各种比较运算符...
bash脚本中if语句的使⽤⽅法 除了 "if,else" 形式之外,还有其它形式的 "if" 语句:复制代码代码如下:if [ condition ]then action fi 只有当 condition 为真时,该语句才执⾏操作,否则不执⾏操作,并继续执⾏ "fi" 之后的任何⾏。复制代码代码如下:if [ condition ]then action elif [ condition...
2.if else if else 语法格式: if condition then command1 command2 ... commandN else command fi if-elif-else 语法格式: if condition1 then command1 elif condition2 then command2 else commandN fi 实例 num1=$[2*3] num2=$[1+5]
if双分支语句 双分支: ifCONDITION; then if-true else if-false fi 双分支语句跟单分支语句不同的地方在于else后面接的是CONDITION为假时的情况 同理else后面可以跟命令也可以跟语句嵌套。最后以fi结束if语句 ……… 示例:比较两个数的大小,如果第一个数大于等于第二个数则显示:First number is bigger,否则显...
if双分支语句双分支:if CONDITION; thenif-trueelseif-falsefi双分支语句跟单分支语句不同的地方在于else后面接的是CONDITION为假时的情况同理else后面可以跟命令也可以跟语句嵌套。最后以fi结束if语句………示例:比较两个数的大小,如果第一个数大于等于第二个数则显示:First number is bigger,否则显示:Second numbe...