Note: The URL resolves to, i.e. a Bash script in this repository. This is by farthe simplest way to get started with bothnand Node.js- even if you're looking to install only the latest LTS (long-term...
script#GIT_PROMPT_THEME=Custom # use custom theme specified in file GIT_PROMPT_THEME_FILE (default ~/ # use theme optimized for solarized color schemesource~/.bash-git-prompt/ ...
//"echoecho"For example, to force Ubuntu Trusty: os=ubuntu dist=trusty ./"echoecho"Please email and let us know if you run into any issues."exit1 }gpg_check() {echo"Checking for gpg..."ifcommand-v gpg > /...
before calling this script: GIT=/usr/local/git-plus <gitlab-domain> <group-id> <gitlab-token> github-clone-projects.bash #!/usr/bin/env bash# ===# Copyright (C) 2021 Potherca## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public# License, ...
This command transfers the entire script into the home directory for hacking, modification and review. The command \\e[0;32m%s\\e[0;34m has more information about how to use use \\e[0;32m%s\\e[0;34m in an effective way.\\e[0;32m%s\\e[0m\\n" "'$1'" "'bash ${0##*/}...
Gitlab CI script, before_script, after_script should fail eagerly (use `set -e` with Bash by default) In my opinion the current behaviour that allows Gitlab CI build to pass when some commands in script, before_script or after_script sections fail (return non-zero exit code) may cause...
We can usebashto execute a shell script, however, it's slower than directly invoking the script. But there are cases whenbashis not our interactive shell or we want to see how the script runs with different shells, we may want to run a script as an argument tobashortcsh. ...
\hthehostnameuptothefirstdot(.) \Hthefullhostname \nanewline \racarriagereturn \sthenameoftheshell(basenameof$0) \tthetimein24-hourHH:MM:SSformat \Tthetimein12-hourHH:MM:SSformat \utheuser’susername \vtheversionofbash(e.g.,2.02) ...
In its simplest form a line in a shell script is a word denoting a command. The shell looks successively for a user-defined function, built-in function, and external command in the search path matching the word. The first one found is run. If no matching function or external command is...
Could be nice if the output could be colour coded. I wrote the command below that test the availability of a remote node and return the IP address in green for "UP" and red for "DOWN". ip_input=; red=$(tput setaf 1); green=$(tput setaf 2); reset=$(tput sgr0);...