script_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd -P) usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") [-h] [-v] [-f] -p param_value arg1 [arg2...] Script description here. Available options: -h, --help Print this help and exit -v...
script_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd -P) usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") [-h] [-v] [-f] -p param_value arg1 [arg2...] Script description here. Available options: -h, --help Print this help and exit -v...
My Minimal, Safe Bash Script Template #!/usr/bin/env bash#: Your comments here.set -o errexitset -o nounsetset -o pipefailwork_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink --canonicalize-existing "${0}" 2> /dev/null)")readonly conf_file="${w...
本书中的一些脚本至少需要bash-3.0,并且可能使用其中一个变量来确定当前的 shell 是否足够新以运行该脚本: case $BASH_VERSION in [12].*) echo "You need at least bash3.0 to run this script" >&2; exit 2;; esac 提示字符串变量PS1和PS2,在命令行交互 shells 中使用;PS3与select内置命令一起使用,...
Bash script template(Bash脚本模板) 废话不多说,献上我的模板 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 #!/usr/bin/env bashset-Eeuo pipefail trap cleanupSIGINTSIGTERMERREXITscript_dir=$(cd"$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"&>/dev/null&&pwd-P)usage(){cat<<EOFUsage:$(bas... #!/usr/bin/env bashset-Eeuo pipefailtrapcleanup SIGINT SIGTERM ERR EXITscript_dir=$(cd"$(dirname"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"&>/dev/null&&pwd-P)usage(){cat<<EOFUsage: $(basename "...
Linux bash shell script 批量下载文件 All In One solutionpdf crawler / pdf 爬虫 #!/bin/bash # 下载目录 downdir="/Users/xgqfrms-mbp/Documents/swift-ui/Memorize/000-xyz/pdfs/" # $1 是传递给 shell 的第一个参数 # read line 按行读取文件 cat $1 | while read line do # shell 变量需要...
you may need to write a program in one of the standard programming languages. And this is a tedious and rather difficult task. So, using a special AWK in a shell script allows you to solve data processing tasks with the help of short programs. They will contain no more than two or thr... - script template for CI/CD to deploy GCR docker image to GKE Kubernetes using Kustomize gce_*.sh - Google Compute Engine scripts: - simple script to query the GCE metadata API from within Virtual Machines - GCE VM preemption latc...
script $1此$1,为脚本位置参数 f_name $1此$1,为函数位置参数 函数变量 变量作用域: 环境变量:当前shell和其子shell有效 本地变量:作用域是运行脚本的shell进程的生命周期;因此,其作用范围为当前shell脚本程序文件,包括脚本中的函数; 只在当前shell进程有效,为执行脚本会启动专用子shell进程; ...