shell脚本使用'read‘shell命令。但是当我检查shell脚本的输出流时,与'read‘命令相关的输入消息丢失了。shell脚本如下: #!/bin/bash # # This scripts has an input argument echo Hello World read -p "Enter something: " val1 echo First Name: $val1 read -p "Enter somethin 浏览2提问于...
# Ken O. Burtch # CVS: $Header$ shopt -s -o nounset # Global Declarations declare -rx SCRIPT=${0##*/} # SCRIPT is the name of this script declare -rx who=”/usr/bin/who” # the who command - man 1 who declare -rx sync=”/bin/sync” # the sync command - man 1 sync de...
我有一个简单的bash脚本如下: #!/bin/bash n=$(( RANDOM % 100 )) if [[ n -eq 42 ]]; then echo "Something went wrong" >&2 echo "The error was using magic numbers" exit 1 fi echo "Everything went according to plan" 但是,当我通过在bash中输入代码来运行代码时,如下所示: sh scrip...
# Simple script to automate the VF regression testing using gtest framework # # This script will insert the module, configure the qmax_vfs, and instantiate4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 4 QDMA/linux-kernel/scripts/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line...
# CVS: $Header$ # The report is read from DATA_FILE. It should contain # the following columns: # # Column 1: PRODUCT = Product name # Column 2: CSALES = Country Sales # Column 3: FSALES = Foreign Sales # # The script will format the data into columns, adding total and ...
~:波浪线代表家目录。它单独使用或在后接一个 /时,与 $HOME 相同。在后接一个用户名时,则表示该用户的家目录。例:cd ~john/bin; cp coolscript ~/bin >或 <:重定向字符。这些字符用来更改(重定向)一命令的输入和/或输出。重定向会在以后谈到。
我用它来写电子邮件、新闻组文章、shell 脚本、PostScript 程序、网页等等。 文本编辑器对纯文本文件进行操作。它只存储您键入的字符;它没有添加任何隐藏的格式代码。如果我在文本编辑器中键入A并按回车键,然后保存它,文件将包含两个字符:一个和一个换行符。包含相同文本的文字处理文件要大几千倍。(带字 ,文件...
# bad.bash:Asimple script to list files shopt-o-s nounset shopt-o-s xtrace declare-iRESULTdeclare-iTOTAL=3while[$TOTAL-ge0];dolet“TOTAL—”let“RESULT=10/TOTAL” printf “%d/n” “$RESULT” done xtrace 显示了脚本每行的处理过程。在这个示例中,脚本在 while 循环中含有一个错误的结果。
# CVS: $Header$ # The report is read from DATA_FILE.It should contain # the following columns: # #Column 1: PRODUCT = Product name #Column 2: CSALES= Country Sales #Column 3: FSALES= Foreign Sales # # The script will format the data into columns, adding total and ...
Here is a nifty bash script to split a csv file into multiple pieces and retain the same header in all pieces. Read more Apache Virtual Host Creation using Bash Script in Ubuntu Technical Solution | 8 min read Setting up a new virtual host in Apache usually requires a number of ...