Write a Bash script that defines separate functions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These functions should take two numbers as arguments and print the result of the corresponding operation. Code: #!/bin/bash # Function for addition add() { local num1=$1 local num2=$2...
This fork of an older version of pacli called PacUI follows the KISS principle: The whole script is contained within one file, which consists of easy to read bash code with many helpful comments. PacUI offers many more features over pacli in order to enhance comfort and speed of CLI based...
Here is our first bash shell script example: #!/bin/bash # declare STRING variable STRING="Hello World" #print variable on a screen echo $STRING Navigate to a directory where your hello_world.sh is located and make the file executable: ...
In this example, the ‘foreach’ loop is part of a larger script that processes a list of files and performs operations on each file. Exploring Related Bash Concepts As you become more comfortable with ‘foreach’ loops in Bash, you might want to explore related concepts like conditional sta...
+Addition -Subtraction *Multiplication /Integer division (without decimal) %Modulus division (only remainder) **Exponentiation (a to the power b) Here's an example of performing summation and subtraction in bash script: #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter first number: " num1 read -p "Enter second...
Let’s take another example to use the “continue” clause in the “for” loop of the Bash script. So, we have been opening the same bash file within the “nano” editor. The Bash extension has been used at the first line. The for loop has been initiated from 1 and it will complet...
/bin/bash## Name: test-bucket-1## Purpose:# Performs the test-bucket number 1 for Product X.# (Actually, this is a sample shell script,# which invokes some system commands# to illustrate how to construct a Bash script)## Notes:# 1) The environment variable TEST_VAR must be set# (...
In this example, we’re usingsleepto pause the script for a random number of seconds before printing ‘Task completed!’. Generating Random Strings in Bash In addition to generating random numbers, Bash can also generate random strings. This can be useful for creating unique identifiers, generati...
Without any command-line arguments, the value of$1will be empty. When your script callsmkdir, it won't be passing an argument to it, and the mkdir command will return that error. To avoid this, you can check for the condition yourself and present a more friendly error: As always, begi...
You can also use package names in addition to options. For example, you want to install the package "cantata". Then, you can use a command like Instead of a list of all available packages, a much shorter already filtered list is displayed. Simply select the "cantata" package you want to...