用来衡量网络稳定系数echo"False"return1fi#验证VNC端口,并等待端口开启local port_status=0until[$port_status-eq1 ];doport_status=$(sleep 1 | telnet${host_addr}${port}| grep Connected | wc
使用sleep命令结合kill命令:另一种方法是使用sleep命令等待指定的时间,然后使用kill命令终止正在执行的命令。可以使用以下语法: 其中,&符号将命令放入后台执行,$!获取最后一个后台进程的PID,sleep命令等待指定的时间,&&表示在sleep命令执行成功后执行kill命令,-9表示强制终止进程。 例如,要在脚本中使用sleep和kill命令超时...
Linux bash scripting is extremely useful for users looking to convert complex sequences of commands into one script effortlessly. Even if you are a casual user, you can make your life easier by automating simple tasks like updating packages or putting your system to sleep. In this tutorial, we...
elif [ -z "${pid_of_master}" ] && [ -n "${pid_of_cave}" ]; then # Even though this is a SEVERE ERROR, we can't halt the script at this point. return 0 # Anyting else is wrong, but we can't halt the script at this point. else return 0 fi else return 1 fi } ###...
macOS 用户可以从 Bash 执行 AppleScript 解释器来显示本机通知,如下所示: #!/bin/bash sleep 10 osascript -e "display notification \"Task #1 was completed successfully\" with title \"notify.sh\"" GUI 通知对于通过长时间运行的脚本或永远运行的后台脚本向用户通知重要事件非常有帮助。 Bash 脚本中的并行...
ShellCheck - A shell script static analysis tool ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts: The goals of ShellCheck are To point out and clarify typical beginner's syntax issues that cause a shell to give cryptic error messages. ...
Similarly for example we can use while loop to check if file does not exists. This script will sleep until file does exists. Note bash negator "!" which negates the -e option. #!/bin/bash while [ ! -e myfile ]; do # Sleep until file does exists/is created ...
/bin/bash echo "hello world" [wind@bogon ~]$ file a a: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable [wind@bogon ~]$ less 分段查看文件当我们要看很大的文件时,直接用vim打开是非常慢的,直接使用less可以很快打开,并且仍旧可以使用vim的快捷键,比如上下翻页,跳转文件头尾部,当然也可以 / 去查找...
sleep 2 echo "newvar='some value'" >"$commfile" runningparent.shprints: the newvar before child: == the newvar after source: =some value= Linux - Exporting a variable to another bash script, export recognizes a variable or function to its sub-shells. Instead, inside ex.sh, ...
On Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, you can apt install xz-utils. On Redhat/Fedora/CentOS, yum -y install xz.A simple installer may do something like:scversion="stable" # or "v0.4.7", or "latest" wget -qO- "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/${scversion?}/shellcheck-${sc...