问:在 Bash shell 脚本中什么命令检查某个目录是否存在?...答:要检查目录是否存在,请执行以下操作: if [ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then echo "$DIRECTORY does exist." fi 一行代码的形式则如下: [...要检查目录是否不存在,请执行以下操作: ...
How can I check if a directory exists in a bash script? Use theif [ -d "dir" ]; thencommand to check if a directory named "dir" exists. How do I write scripts to run in the current directory? Use./script.shto run a script named "script.sh" in the current directory. ...
Write a Bash script that defines functions for basic file operations like creating a file, deleting a file, and checking if a file exists. Pass file names as arguments to these functions. Code: #!/bin/bash # Function to create a directory create_directory() { local dirname="$1" mkdir -...
- Test if the specified [f]ile exists: [[ -f path/to/file ]] - Test if the specified [d]irectory exists: [[ -d path/to/directory ]] - Test if the specified file or directory [e]xists: [[ -e path/to/file_or_directory ]] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ...
if [ ! -z err−o!−eapk ]; then 会报出-e无法找到的错误; 而if [ ! -z err]||[!−eapk ]; then 没问题; 整数比较 : -eq 等于,如:if [ "a"−eq"b" ] -ne 不等于,如:if [ "a"−ne"b" ] -gt 大于,如:if [ "a"−gt"b" ] ...
#if["$PS1"];then# PS1="[\u@\h:\l \W]\\$"#fi# to your custom modification shell scriptin/etc/profile.d/directoryfiif! shopt -q login_shell ;then# We're not a login shell# Need to redefine pathmunge, it get's undefined at the end of /etc/profilepathmunge () {case":${PATH...
-d file If file exists and is a directory. -e file If file exists. -f file If file exists and is a regular file. -g file If file exists and its set-group-id bit is set. -h file If file exists and is a symbolic link. -k file If file exists and its sticky-bit is set -...
21. Test if File Exists In order to check if a given file exists, users can perform conditional tests. In this case, we’ll useanifstatement with a-fflag. The flag checks if a given file exists and is a regular file. Start by creating the script file: ...
Write a Bash script that checks if a directory named "workarea" exists and creates it if it doesn't. Code: #!/bin/bash # Check if the directory "workarea" exists if [ ! -d "workarea" ]; then # If the directory doesn't exist, create it ...
Here, we will list some helping testing operators for permissions, size, date, file type, or existence in the bash script. Operators Explanation -e To test if a file exists. -f To test if a given file is a regular file. -d To test if the file is a directory. -b To test if the...