该case语句使用Extension变量作为它试图与子句匹配的表达式。#!/bin/bashfor File in $(ls)do # extract the file extension Extension=${File##*.} case "$Extension" in sh) echo " Shell script: $File" ;; md) echo " Markdown file: $File" ;; png) echo "PNG i...
该case语句使用Extension变量作为它试图与子句匹配的表达式。 #!/bin/bash for File in $(ls) do # extract the file extension Extension=${File##*.} case "$Extension" in sh) echo " Shell script: $File" ;; md) echo " Markdown file: $File" ;; png) echo "PNG image file: $File" ;; ...
script.sh {start|stop|restart|status} 1、如是start,那么创建/var/lock/subsys/script.sh,显示启动成功; 2、如果参数是stop,则删除/var/lock/subsys/script.sh,显示停止成功 3、如果restart,则删除,再创建,显示成功; 4、如果status, 如果文件存在,则显示running,否则,显示stopped #!/bin/bash # myService=`...
Shell case 语句为多选择语句。可以用 case 语句匹配一个值与一个模式,如果匹配成功,执行相匹配的命令。case 语句格式如下: case 值 in 模式1) command1 command2 ... commandN ;; 模式2) command1 command2 ... commandN ;; esac 取值后面必须为单词 in,每一模式必须以右括号结束。取值可以为变量或常数。
在局域网环境中工作,经常要访问别人的电脑,而他们大多还在使用windows,所以要反复的mount、umount共享目录,烦死了,并且不umount还不行,别人一关机,这边再操作就要停顿半天没反应。所以编写了一个小小的shell script,简化这些工作。代码、注释和说明都在一起了,应该不用再多解释了吧。
case设置变量的简单语句 在:内置的可以用来避免重复variable=在一个case语句。该$_变量存储的最后一个命令的最后一个参数。:总是成功,所以它可以用来存储变量值。 # Modified snippet from Neofetch. case "$OSTYPE" in "darwin"*) : "MacOS" ;;
/bin/bashPOSITIONAL_ARGS=()#初始化一个空数组,用来存储位置参数while[[$#-gt0]];do#当命令行参数的数量大于0时,进入循环case$1in-e|--extension)#如果参数是这个,脚本会将紧随其后的参数(文件扩展名)保存在变量EXTENSION中EXTENSION="$2"shift # 跳过参数...
The script in a Bashcasestatement has two exit statuses: 0. The return status indicates the input did not match any defined pattern. Executed command status. If a command matches the input variable to a pattern, the exit status of the executed command is returned. ...
The slightly strange "fi" keyword ("if" reversed) signals the end of an if statement in Bash: fi Your script can now continue as before, to handle the case when an argument is present: mkdir$1 When you run this new version of the script, you’ll get a message if you forget to in...
In this script, the user is prompted for the name of a month. To make the pattern matching case insensitive we use the shopt command with the "-s nocasematch" option. It won't matter if the input contains uppercase, lowercase, or a mixture of the two. ...