The “0” return code indicates that the command was successful. It implies that the file “intro.txt” exists and the Linux/UNIX system could read it without errors. Another example: The “127” error code indicates that the input command does not exist and could not be executed. What ar...
跟cpp的int main的return 0有点像。 cpp: return 0正常退出, return 1有异常 from gnu: Shell本身是一个用C语言编写的程序 操作系统 用C写成,shell可视为专为C语言服务的meta-language 看最近一条命令的status code: echo $? 0 :成功,true, 顺利跑完 非0:失败,false 1 权限不够? 127 command not fou...
exit, export, fc, fg, getopts, hash, help, history, jobs, kill, let, local, logout, popd, printf, pushd, pwd, read, readonly, return, set, shift, shopt, source, suspend, test, times, trap, type, typeset, ulimit, umask, unalias, unset, wait Help cd ---bash内部命令 Ls –help...
elif [-x /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found ]; then/usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found --"$1"return$?elseprintf"%s: command not found\n""$1">&2return127fi } fi printf"%-8s %-25s %-4s %s\n"@@@ /etc/bash.bashrc'==>'Closure fi /etc/init.d/init #...
The following code determines if the invoking shell was executed from Midnight Commander or is taking input from a pipe: # do not run when inside Midnight Commander or within a Pipe if test -n "$MC_SID" -o ! -t 1 ; then echo $"$1: command not found" return 127 fi And the ...
It’s important to have the errtrace and functrace options enable one way or another as it will make sure the ERR, DEBUG, RETURN traps are inherited by the command substitution, shell functions, and subshells. [me@linux ~]$ trap 'echo "ERR trap from ${FUNCNAME:-MAIN} context."' ERR...
你可以通过配置 sudo 命令去嘲讽输入错误密码的用户。但是现在,当用户在 shell 输错命令时,就能嘲讽他了(滥用?)。 你可以通过配置sudo命令去嘲讽输入错误密码的用户。但是现在,当用户在 shell 输错命令时,就能嘲讽他了(滥用?)。 你好bash-insulter 来自Github 页面: ...
2 Bash: Call shell script but do not wait for return code 18 Hide the output of a shell command only on success? 3 how to get the desired value in bash shell from the lshw output? Hot Network Questions Identify temporary layer when choosing parameter Can a carbon crank...
time_my_task_1=BashOperator( task_id='time_my_task_1', dag=dag, bash_command='set -e;docker exec -it testsuan /bin/bash -c "cd /algorithm-platform/algorithm_model_code/ && python "') time_my_task_1
How to return the exit code? Error: return: Reading: numeric argument required Ask Question Asked 11 years, 4 months ago Modified 11 years, 4 months ago Viewed 46k times 9 Here's a simplified version of my script. My question is, How do I return the exit code from...