FILE=sample.txt # Wrong way to read the file. # This may cause problem, check the value of 'i' at the end of the loop echo"###" cat$FILE |whilereadline;do echo"Line # $i: $line" ((i++)) done echo"Total number of lines in file: $i" # The worst way to read file. ech...
意味着反斜杠转义的行为不会发生。输入重定向操作符< file打开并读取文件file,然后将它作为read命令的...
FILE=sample.txt # Wrong way to read the file. # This may cause problem, check the value of'i'at theendof the loop echo"###" cat$FILE|whileread line;do echo"Line # $i: $line" ((i++)) done echo"Total number of lines in file: $i" # The worst way to read file. echo"##...
# Wrong way to read the file. # This may cause problem, check the value of 'i' at the end of the loop echo"###" cat$FILE |whilereadline;do echo"Line # $i: $line" ((i++)) done echo"Total number of lines in file: $i" # The worst way to read file. echo"###" forfil...
该readarray命令(也拼写为mapfile)是在bash 4.0中引入的。readarray a < /path/to/filename 00 0 子衿沉夜 将文件的每一行读入bash数组的最简单方法是:IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a lines < /etc/passwd现在只需索引数组lines即可检索每一行,例如printf "line 1: %s\n" "${lines[0]}"printf "...
(k++)) done < $FILE echo "Total number of lines in file: $k" Output: $ ./ ### Line # 1: This is sample file Line # 2: This is normal text file Total number of lines in file: 1 ### This is sample file This is normal text file ### Line # 1: This is samp...
# Reads first line of file "data-file" # Reads second line of file "data-file" exec 6<&0 exec < data-file read a1 read a2 echo echo "Following lines read from file." echo "---" echo $a1 echo $a2 echo "---" echo exec 0<&...
#假设文件名是:fortest.gtf declare -i fileLines fileLines=`sed -n '$=' fortest.gtf` echo $fileLines # linesCount=0let linesCount=($fileLines/20+1)*2 sed 文件名 原创 emanlee 2023-11-07 09:27:10 101阅读 bash 执行python文件 # Bash执行Python文件 在日常的开发和工作中,我们经常需要...
第一个 bash 参数(也称为位置参数)可以在 bash 脚本中使用$1访问。所以在 中,可以按如下方式将文件名变量替换为$1: 复制 #!/bin/bashnlines=$(wc -l <$1)echo"There are$nlineslines in$1" 1. 2. 我们去掉了第一个脚本中的 read 命令和第一个 echo 命令,这样脚本看起来更加...
LINES:目前终端的最大行数; MACHTYPE:安装的机器类型; OSTYPE:操作系统的类型; PS1:表示命令提示字符;(就是输入命令前的这个内容"[tx@localhost ~]$",它是一个表达式,根据用户、主机名、以及当前的目录计算出具体的内容,可以尝试使用echo打印以下这个表达式看看) ...