Bash Press Key to continue In certain situations, one may want a “Press any key to continue” option in a script, to give the user some time to review certain output of the script. For example, I made a script which does an SVN update of Lazarus Pascal, and then does a full clean...
Type “bash” at command prompt and Enter. You’ll get a message “This will install Ubuntu on Windows, distributed by Canonical and…” . Type “y” to continue. Press ‘y’ and your download from the Windows Store starts. After downloading, it will start extracting the file system. Thi...
#! /bin/bash echo "press any key to continue" while [ true ] do read -t 3 -n 1 if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "you have terminated the script" exit; else echo "waiting for you to press the key sir!!!" fi done 18. Wait for filesystem events with inotify sudo apt install inoti...
read-n1 -rp"Press any key to continue: "key -n参数指定要作为输入的字符数。在本例中,它设置为 1。 -r参数指定输入将处于原始模式。不允许使用转义字符。 -p参数创建一个提示。如果与$和' '一起使用,它允许在要打印的文本中转义字符。与双引号一起使用时,它以纯文本形式打印。
read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...n' -n1 key ### [](从终端中运行类似 sql 的命令 下载: 例如: q -d "," "select c3,c4,c5 from /path/to/file.txt where...
Press anykeytocontinue... 原因: 未安装Windows子系统支持。 解决办法:,选择Windows PowerShell(管理员) 2.输入: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 3. 回车,输入Y,重启! 4. 重新打开已经安装的子系统,等几分钟,输入账户和密码。
When tryingt to enter the subsystem of windows (bash this statement displays) Error: 0x80070070 Press any key to continue... Copy link Member craigloewen-msftcommentedSep 12, 2019 This seems to be a duplicate of#2540 That issue links to#2980where a fix seems to be uninstalling legacy. ...
Press any key to continue...2. 原因:未安装Windows⼦系统⽀持。3. 解决办法,选择Windows PowerShell(管理员)2.输⼊:Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 3. 回车,输⼊Y,重启!4. 重新打开已经安装的⼦系统,等⼏分钟,输⼊账户和...
-d 提示使用者,在画面下方显示 [Press space to continue, ‘q’ to quit.] ,如果使用者按错键,则会显示 [Press ‘h’ for instructions.] 而不是 ‘哔’ 声 -l 取消遇见特殊字元 ^L(送纸字元)时会暂停的功能 -f 计算行数时,以实际上的行数,而非自动换行过后的行数(有些单行字数太长的会被扩展...
echo –e “\npress ENTER to continue, CTRL-C to quit” read 使程序按回车继续,ctrl+c退出 clear done 5. 命令shift 将存放在位置变量中的命令行参数依次向左传递 shift n 命令行参数向左传递n个串 六. Shell函数 定义: function fname fname () ...