linux bash获取后台进程的id 在bash 中,下面两个变量有特殊含义 $$ is the current script's pid $! is the pid of the last background process #!/bin/bash./ > /dev/null 2>&1 & proc_pid=$!# wait process to be killedwait$proc_pid> /dev/null 2>&1...
The PID of the backgrounded process is set in the variable $! and execution of the main script or interactive shell continues as normal. It can also monitor the activity of the backgrounded child process as it works. This dd command reads 512MB of random data from the /dev/urandom ...
$! PID of most recently backgrounded process$-$-$- Current options.filesourcefileor.file.fileso...
Is there a way I can capture the exit status of each individual child script after the execution is completed. 5. Shell Programming and Scripting Catch exit code of specific background process Hi all, i hava a specific backgroud process. I have de PID of this process. At some time, ...
PID of most recently backgrounded process$-$-$- Current options.filesourcefileor.file.filesourcef...
是以一个单字符串显示所有向脚本传递的参数. $$ 是脚本运行的当前进程ID号 $? 是显示最后命令的退出状态,0表示没有错误,其他表示有错误${!#}输出最后一个参数 $! Shell最后运行的后台Process的PID 完整的特殊字符含义:
$!represents the process ID (PID) of the last background command executed. It’s useful for tracking or controlling background processes in scripts. What is a shell script in Linux? A shell script in Linux is a text file containing a series of commands. The shell reads this file and exe...
目前这个 Shell 的线程代号』,亦即是所谓的 PID(Process ID)。『 echo $$ 』即可!出现的数字就是你的 PID 号码。 变量键盘读取、数组与宣告: read, array, declare read 要读取来自键盘输入的变量,就是用 read 这个指令了。这个指令最常被用在 shell script 的撰写当中,想要跟使用者对谈。
# used by the process invoked below... # Now I want to invoke the process in the background and redirect # all of the output to a log file. nohup name-of-executable > logfile.out 2>&1 & # Finally, I record the PID of the process before the script exits. ...
ProcessID=9502Background ProcessID=9503$ psPIDTTYTIMECMD5970pts/100:00:00bash9503pts/100:00:00sleep9504pts/100:00:00ps $ 示例4:其他 Bash 特殊参数 - $?、$-、$_ $?-给出最近执行的命令的退出状态。 $-使用 set 内置命令设置的选项