我是第一次接触bash,所以我一直在尝试使用这种方法,将它写在以.bat文件类型保存的notepad++上。我使用这个命令来获取whoami并将其设置到一个变量中,这样我就可以将这个变量插入到表的列中。但是我不能得到whoami的结果并将其存储到一个变量中。 @ECHO关闭SETLOCAL 设置name=whoami 回显%name% 暂停 浏览18提问于20...
现在,当我运行一个简单的python脚本时,从命令提示符: #!/usr/bin/env/python import os os.system("start notepad.exe") 记事本开始运行。但是在Cygwin64终端上,当我执行python run.py时,它会抛出一个错误:"sh: start:命令未找到“可能是什么原因?我已经通过cygwin终端通过ch 浏览0提问于2015-02-02得票数 ...
open ./Blah.java 这将在Notepad ++中打开Blah.java,或 open . 要在资源管理器中打开当前目录?在Mac OS X上, open 是这个命令。 看答案 你需要一些包裹的东西 Shellexecute功能. 用cygwin,这是 cygstart. 与PowerShell,这是 Start-Process. 您可以从BASH Shell运行PowerShell,但它不理想: powershell Start-...
When writing shell scripts on Windows, bear in mind that Windows and UNIX-like systems like Linux use different "end of line" characters in text files in shell scripts. In other words, this means that you can't simply write a shell script in Notepad. Save the file in Notepad and it wo...
Launch Windows tools & IDE’s like Notepad, Visual Studio / VSCode / Sublime / Notepad++ / etc. to edit files & projects Execute .bat/.cmd scripts by callingcmd.exe/C...: Note: If you try to launch a Windows tool, asking it to open a file that is located in your Linux filesyste...
sublime_open() # Function which opens the first argument as a text file in Sublime. { open -a /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app < $1.txt; } export -f sublime_open; sublime_test() # Function which will open first argument as a text file in Sublime, ...
Open the script you are working with using Notepad++ on your OS (Windows or Macs) and change the file format set by double clicking theWindows (CR LF)/Macintosh (CR)tab and changing toUnix (LF). After that, run the same command on the newly configured script, and you shouldn’t have...
12 mp4 = open('{}'.format(mp4_name),'rb').read() IndexError: list index out of range dauitsuragan002commentedAug 1, 2023 Same issue is with me in Google colab I fixed a mistake and changed the original notepad SadTalker. You Can use: ...
Shouldn't python be part of the makefile dependency check? (I'm building on a docker image of debian) Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment