/bin/bashfilename="longfilename.txt"max_length=255if[${#filename}-gt$max_length];thentruncated_filename=${filename:0:$max_length}echo"Truncated filename:$truncated_filename"elseecho"Filename is within the limit:$filename"fi 这个脚本将检查文件名长度是否超过255个字符,如果超过,则截取前255个...
test: Bump expect's match_max to 20000 by default (bda6e45) test: Fix buffer size option listing in run --help (eb21e66) pylint: Implement comma separated --confidence arg completion (5aee5d7) pylint: Bring -f/--format arg completion up to date with pylint 1.9.2 (7e6a220) pydoc...
/bin/bashfilename="longfilename.txt"max_length=255if[${#filename}-gt$max_length];thentruncated_filename=${filename:0:$max_length}echo"Truncated filename:$truncated_filename"elseecho"Filename is within the limit:$filename"fi 这个脚本将检查文件名长度是否超过255个字符,如果超过,则截取前255个...
_repeat() { #@ USAGE: _repeat string number _REPEAT=$1 while (( ${#_REPEAT} < $2 )) ## Loop until string exceeds desired length do _REPEAT=$_REPEAT$_REPEAT$_REPEAT ## 3 seems to be the optimum number done _REPEAT=${_REPEAT:0:$2} ## Trim to desired length } repeat() { ...
Bash 简介 转自 https://wangdoc.com/bash/intro.html Bash 是 Unix 系统和 Linux 系统的一种 Shell(命令行环境),是目前绝大多数 Linux 发行版的默认 Shell。 目录 [隐藏] 简介 基本语法 模式扩展 引号和转义 变量 字符串操
(2 * config->tray_padding + 1) / output->scale; } uint32_t max_height...
string1=string2 string1 等於 string2 string1!=string2 string1 不等於 string2 int1 -gt int2 int1 大於 int2 int1 -ge int2 int1 大於等於 int2 int1 -eq int2 int1 等於 int2 int1 -ne int2 int1 不等於 int2 int1 -le int2 int1 小於等於 int2 ...
功能:从string中取子串,从start为起始位置为取length长度的子串; 四)数组 1、bash shell只支持一维数组,但参数个数没有限制。 声明一个数组: declare -a array (其实不用声明,按数组方式直接赋值给变量即可,BASH就知道那是数组) 数组赋值: (1) array=(var1 var2 var3 ... varN) ...
argument length (this system): 2091451 # POSIX smallest allowable upper limit on argument length (all systems): 4096 # Maximum length of command we could actually use: 2087798 # Size of command buffer we are actually using: 131072 # Maximum parallelism (--max-procs must be no greater): ...
最长匹配(贪婪匹配)的那部分被 string 替换,所有匹配都替换 ${variable//pattern/string} 判断字符串 判断字符串包含关系:[[ ${confidence[$ii]} != *HIGH* ]] ${varname:offset:length} 截取字符串 -倒数开始${foo: -5:2} 转化大小写 转为大写 :${varname^^} ...