printf “The completelist is %s\n” “$@” printf “The firstparameter is %s\n” “$1” printf “The secondparameter is %s\n” “$2” 当运行此脚本并带上参数“-c”和“t2341”,它表示“$1”是“-c”,“$2”是“t2341”。 $ bash -c t2341 There are 2 parameter(s) The...
Shows the disk usage of files or directories. For more information on this command check this linkdu [option] [filename|directory]Options:-h (human readable) Displays output it in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M) and gigabytes (G). -s (supress or summarize) Outputs total disk space of a ...
Suppose you want to list everything in the current directory but capture the output in a file named listing.txt. The following command does just that:Bash Copy ls > listing.txt If listing.txt already exists, it gets overwritten. If you use the >> operator instead, the output from ls ...
git commit -m "some message here"saves a revision of the code at this particular point in time and allows you to set a message about the changes. grep --color -r 'some string' .shows all the instances of a string in the current directory. lslists all files in the given directory ls...
In Linux, file names and the commands that operate upon them are case-sensitive. So to list all the files in the current directory whose names contain periods followed by an uppercase or lowercase J or P, you could enter this:Bash Copy ...
Open multiple tabs in Firefox Open multiple tabs in Firefox with: 1. List 2. Files in a directory 3. Directories in robots.txt 4. Previous menu Examples: A list containing multiple IPs and/or URLs. You finished scanning multiple web sites with Nikto and want to open every htm report loca...
Here is a function that allows you to list all files that were last modified on the date you give as argument. Once again, we choose a function for speed reasons. No pun is intended by the function’s name: function lsd { date=$1 ls -l | grep -i "^.\{42\}$date" | cut -c5...
One of the most basic bash commands, ls, does one thing: list directory contents. By itself this command lists only the names of files and subdirectories in the current working directory. Output from the bash ls command includes only file and directory names. ...
如果 in 之後的詞擴充套件的結果是空列表,就不會 執行任何命令,返回值是 0。 for (( expr1 ; expr2 ; expr3 )) ; do list ; done 首先,算術表示式 expr1 被根據下面 算術求值 (ARITHMETIC EVALUATION) 中的規則進行求 值。 然後算術表示式 expr2 被迴圈求值,直到它等於 0。每次 expr2 結果非零時...
如:[wind@bogon ~]$ mkdir hello/world mkdir: cannot create directory ‘hello/world’: No such file or directory [wind@bogon ~]$ mkdir -p hello/world # 这里的tree是用来显示目录树状结构的命令 [wind@bogon ~]$ tree hello/ hello/ └── world 2 directories, 0 files [wind@bogon ~]$ ...