针对你遇到的 -bash: influx: command not found 错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认用户环境变量配置是否正确: 环境变量 PATH 决定了 Bash 在哪些目录中查找可执行文件。你需要确保 InfluxDB 的安装目录被包含在了 PATH 环境变量中。你可以通过以下命令查看当前的 PATH 设置: bash echo $PATH 如果InfluxDB 的...
【摘要】 利用unzip命令解压缩的时候,出现-bash: unzip: command not found的错误。 unzip——命令没有找到,其原因肯定是没有安装unzip。利用一句命令就可以解决了。 命令是:yum install -y unz... 利用unzip命令解压缩的时候,出现-bash: unzip: command not found的错误。 unzip——命令没有找到,其原因肯定是...
mac上安装influxdb 1、安装 ? 然后一步一步安装即可...插入同一时间的数据会覆盖旧的,时间是主键。可以乱序插入。...,q代表了需执行的查询语句。...我们可能需要用InfluxDB进行多条查询,HTTP API提供的多条查询的格式如下所示: --- curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query?...返回值也是包含结果的json串...
See doc pages in HariSekhon/Knowledge-Base on Grafana, Prometheus, OpenTSDB, InfluxDB etc. Databases mysql/, postgres/, sql/ and bin/ directories: sql/ - 100+ SQL scripts for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Google BigQuery and AWS Athena CloudTrail logs integration sqlite.sh - one-touch SQLite, starts ...
influx: new completion (378865d) test: source our profile.d test env script in docker (3702ae0) chromium-browser: add --proxy-server arg completion (fef4c9f) README: drop distro badges, link to Repology instead (d2574f5) ip: invoke the tool as $1 (bbe88bb) test: fix required pyt...
See doc pages in HariSekhon/Knowledge-Base on Grafana, Prometheus, OpenTSDB, InfluxDB etc. Databases mysql/, postgres/, sql/ and bin/ directories: sql/ - 100+ SQL scripts for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Google BigQuery and AWS Athena CloudTrail logs integration sqlite.sh - one-touch SQLite, starts ...
mac上安装influxdb 1、安装 ? 然后一步一步安装即可...插入同一时间的数据会覆盖旧的,时间是主键。可以乱序插入。...,q代表了需执行的查询语句。...我们可能需要用InfluxDB进行多条查询,HTTP API提供的多条查询的格式如下所示: --- curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query?...返回值也是包含结果的json串...
brew_filter_not_in_setup.sh updated brew_filter_not_in_setup.sh Aug 28, 2020 brew_filter_not_installed.sh added brew_filter_not_installed.sh Aug 24, 2020 brew_install_packages.sh updated brew_install_packages.sh Feb 7, 2020 brew_install_packages_if_absent.sh updated brew_install_packages...
brew_filter_not_in_setup.sh brew_filter_not_in_setup.sh updated brew_filter_not_in_setup.sh Oct 14, 2020 brew_filter_not_installed.sh brew_filter_not_installed.sh added brew_filter_not_installed.sh Aug 24, 2020 brew_install_packages.sh brew_install_packages.sh updated brew_install_package...
(S) URL watchers for load balanced web farms, Dockerfiles & SQL ReCaser (MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS Redshift, Snowflake, Apache Drill, Hive, Impala, Cassandra CQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Couchbase N1QL, Dockerfiles, Pig Latin, Neo4j, InfluxDB), Ambari FreeIPA Kerberos, Datameer, Linux...