timeout 5s ./infinite_loop.sh 提供避免bash无限循环的建议 始终添加退出条件:在编写无限循环时,务必确保有一个明确的退出条件,以避免脚本永远无法停止。 使用合理的循环控制:根据实际需求选择合适的循环结构(如for、while、until等),并合理控制循环次数或条件。 监控脚本执行:在生产环境中运行脚本时,建议进行监控...
bash调用infinite_loop.bash在Pi的每个核心上运行,这个脚本还在所需的时间内每5秒显示Pi的报告温度。脚本工作得很好(导致所有内核都达到100%并产生观察到的温度升高),但是有一个方面不工作,那就是在infinite_loop.bash脚本的末尾试图杀死cpu_spike.bash进程!因此,在我所遵循的示例代码中< 浏览0提问于2018-01-03得...
复制 trap "echo 'Infinite loop detected!'; exit 1" SIGINT 在循环体内部,可以使用sleep命令来暂停一段时间,以避免CPU过度占用。 代码语言:txt 复制 while true; do # 循环体代码 sleep 1 done 当循环变得无限时,如果按下Ctrl+C组合键,将会发送SIGINT信号给脚本。信号处理函数将会被调用,输出一条消息并退出...
Date: April 20, 2020 03:49AM You can use bash infinite loops with the while loop like while true; do echo "test"; sleep 60; done for more details lookhttps://www.poftut.com/bash-infinite-shell-linux/ Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
Shell or bash allows you to enter “arguments” while writing scripts. These arguments are interpreted as variables in your bash script. Commonly, bash's positional arguments are used to add information, context, or meaning to a shell script. WHILE Infinite Loop On its own, a WHILE loop will...
while : do echo "infinite loops [ hit CTRL+C to stop]" done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conditional while loop exit with break statement You can do early exit with the break statement inside the whil loop. You can exit from within a WHILE using break. General break statement inside the while...
Infinite for while can be created with empty expressions, such as: #!/bin/bashwhile:doecho"infinite loops [ hit CTRL+C to stop]"done Conditional while loop exit with break statement You can do early exit with the break statement inside the whil loop. You can exit from within a WHILE us...
We use a bash while loop with the bash null command to iterate over a series of $RANDOM numbers until we get one below the max value. We use a bash if statement to ensure that we don’t end up in an infinite loop in cases where max value is zero which would happen if we provide...
GoalKicker.com – Bash Notes for Professionals 40 Chapter 11: true, false and : commands Section 11.1: Infinite Loop while true; do echo ok done or while :; do echo ok done or until false; do echo ok done Section 11.2: Function Return function positive() { return 0 } function ...
Nested Bash while loop, inner loop is only loop looping Question: This script is quite straightforward, but I am struggling to make it work correctly. Its purpose is to display class C IP addresses ranging from 192.168 .0.0 to However, it only prints out - 192....