while read -r line do let count=`expr $count + 1` if [ `expr match $line $ANDROID_FOLDER` == "$ANDROID_FOLDER_LEN" ] || [ `expr match $line $KERNEL_FOLDER` == "$KERNEL_FOLDER_LEN" ] || [ `expr match $line $UBOOT_FOLDER` == "$UBOOT_FOLDER_LEN" ];then echo "$count...
As we know, the general syntax for theif ... elsein Bash is: if[YOUR_CONDITION_HERE]then// Block of code when the condition matcheselse// Default block of codefi Now before we go to the single-line format of anif ... elsestatement, we need to understand the multiline format of ...
在if语句中,我们喜欢用if [ expression ]; then ... fi的单括号的形式,但看大神们的脚本,他们更常用if [[ expression ]]; then ... fi的双括号形式。 [ ... ]等效于test命令,而[[ ... ]]是另一种命令语法,相似功能却更高级,它除了传统的条件表达式(Eg. [ ${val} -eq 0 ])外,还支持表达式...
In this example above we use the basicIFcondition with a single test of string equality and then print some output in case the condition is true based on input from the user. Note, you can place theTHENstatement on the next line if you prefer that style. See the example output below: ...
Utilizing the Bash If Statement in One Line In this section, we use the “if” statement in a single line. To do this, we first use the Bash shell which is “#!/bin/bash” just like in the previous example. The “if” expression is then employed in the line after that to determin...
if [ $(whoami) = 'root' ]; then echo "You are root" else echo "You are not root" fi You can use all the if else statements in a single line like this: if [ $(whoami) = 'root' ]; then echo "root"; else echo "not root"; fi ...
f()if true; then echo "$1"; fi f()for i in "$@"; do echo "$i"; done if语法更短 # One line # Note: The 3rd statement may run when the 1st is true [[ $var == hello ]] && echo hi || echo bye [[ $var == hello ]] && { echo hi; echo there; } || echo bye ...
if [[ "$i" == '2' ]]; then break fi done echo 'All Done!' Number: 0 Number: 1 All Done! continue语句 continue语句退出循环的当前迭代,并将程序控制传递给循环的下一次迭代。 在下面的内容中,一旦当前迭代项等于2continue语句,将导致执行返回到循环的开始并继续下一次迭代。
The first line executes the test to see if the file exists. The second command,echo, displays the results. The result0means that the file exists, while1means no file was found. echo $?Copy In our example, the result was1: Now try creating a file withtouch, and then perform a test:...
Likewise, we could use an if..else statement such as:# Single-line if [[ 2 -ne 1 ]]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi # Multi-line if [[ 2 -ne 1 ]]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fiSometimes if..else statements are not enough to do what we want to do....