if [ -z "$string2" ] then echo "Empty Strings" fi Bash 脚本中的单方括号和双方括号 我们还可以在if语句中使用双方括号: if [[ "$string1" == "My String" ]] 单个方括号是老版本的 POSIX 约定的写法,现在看起来它有一些毛病。如果我们没有使用双括号包围变量并且变量没有被定义,变量就会在代码中...
#!/bin/bash string1="Hello" string2="World" # 检查两个字符串的长度是否相等 if [ ${#string1} -ne ${#string2} ]; then echo "字符串长度不相等" exit 1 fi # 使用for循环逐个字符比较两个字符串 for ((i=0; i<${#string1}; i++)); do char1=${string1:i:1} char2=${s...
After opening the newly created bash file via GNU editor, input the code displayed in the image below. Begin by adding the bash extension, then declare a variable named "val" with a string value of "Aqsa". Inside the "if" statement, set a condition to check if the string value of var...
1.equalsString类中的equals是经过重写了的,检查字符串是否相等可以用以下语句:s.equals(t); //比较字符串s与t是否相等如果两字符串结果相等返回true,如果不相等返回false。2.compareTocompareTo按照字典顺序检查两字符串,如果完全相等就返回0,详细用法查看API,这里不做表述。用法如下:if (s.compareTo(t) == 0...
Bash string comparison It is advisable always to check and compare if two strings are equal in a Bash script; this is quite important for different reasons. If two strings are equal in a Bash script, it implies that both strings have the same length and character sequence. The “if” stat...
[[ string1 =~ regex ]] if [[ "$INT" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; wangdoc.com/bash/condit • AND运算:符号&&,也可使用参数-a。 • OR运算:符号||,也可使用参数-o。 • NOT运算:符号!。 [[ $INT -ge $MIN_VAL && $INT -le $MAX_VAL ]] ((...))作为算术条件 if ((3 > 2))...
五、if语句 if 中一定要用[]来描述里面的判断语句 注意这里的单个 号 -eq 数值上的比较(==),=类似于string中的compare 这里$?中,0表示TRUE,1表示FALSE if嵌套: if else: nl就是列出每行的行号,并输出每行内容 elseif and or df -h 返回文件的使用情况 ...
https://ryanstutorials.net/bash-scripting-tutorial/bash-if-statements.php https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4277665/how-do-i-compare-two-string-variables-in-an-if-statement-in-bash http://www.masteringunixshell.net/qa36/bash-how-to-add-to-array.html ...
int compareTo(String anotherString) 按字典顺序比较两个字符串。如果返回0,表示相等;<0表示小于;>0 表示大于。 int compareToIgnoreCase(String str) 不考虑大小写,按字典顺序比较两个字符串。 In Bash 判断是否大于(字典顺序) 格式1:[ "$S1" \> "$S2" ] ...
bar=2if[[$foo-ne$bar]]thenecho"The integers are not equal"fiCopy This example will print the result“The integers are not equal”: The integers are not equalCopy 3. String Comparison Likewise, we can compare strings. Note thatfooandbarare holding strings now, instead of numbers: ...