Bash, short for "Bourne Again SHell," is a powerful scripting language used in Unix-based operating systems. One of the fundamental constructs in Bash programming is the if statement. The if statement allows you to control the flow of your script based on specific conditions. In this article,...
If statement and else statement could be nested in bash. The keyword “fi” indicates the end of the inner if statement and all if statement should end with the keyword “fi”. The “if then elif then else fi” example mentioned in above can be converted to the nested if as shown belo...
Now lets show specific examples of the basic variations of the IF ELIF and ELSE conditions in working examples below. Example 1: If statement in bash on string equality #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter a match word: " USER_INPUT if [[ $USER_INPUT == "hello" ]]; then echo "Hello to ...
9. Bash if / else / fi statements 9.1. Simple Bash if/else statement Please note the spacing inside the [ and ] brackets! Without the spaces, it won't work! #!/bin/bash directory="./BashScripting" # bash check if directory exists if [ -d $directory ]; then echo "Directory exists...
Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks in the Linux environment. One of the key elements of any programming or scripting language is conditional logic, and in Bash, this is achieved through if statements. In a bash script,if statementchecks whether a condition is true or not....
if [[ $str == *condition* ]] then echo "String "$str has the word \"condition\" fi $ ./ Enter the string conditionalstatement String conditionalstatement has the word "condition" [ is a synonym for test command. Even if it is built in to the shell it creates a new pro...
Expression Examples: statement1 && statement2# 两边的条件都为truestatement1 || statement2# 其中一边为truestr1=str2# str1 匹配 str2str1!=str2# str1 不匹配 str2str1<str2# str1 是否小于 str2str1>str2# str1 是否大于 str2-n str1# str1 不为空(长度大于 0)-z str1# str1 为空(长...
If-shells examples if-shell -b '[ "${TMUX_VERSION}" -lt "200" ]' " \ setw -g mode-mouse on; \ set -g mouse-select-window on; \ set -g mouse-select-pane on; \ set -g mouse-resize-pane on; \ set -g mouse-utf on" if-shell -b '[ "${TMUX_VERSION}...
if [[ $string2 = *"Bash"* ]] then printf "Contains word 'Bash'. \n" else printf "Does not contain the word. \n" fi 如何把for语句放在一行里执行? #!/bin/bash # For statement in multiple lines for((i=1;i<10;i+=2))
The “for” loop ends after the “if” statement. After running the file on the shell with the bash command, we got the following result below. As all the even numbers of the range were completely divisible by “2” and got “0” remainder, that is why the “echo” ...