elif 和 else 为可选项,如果语句中没有否则部分,那么就不需要 elif 和 else 部分。if 语句可以有许多 elif 部分。最常用的 if 语句是 if then fi 结构。 应用实例 一、判断文件文件123.txt是否存在,存在则输出“file exist”;没有则输出“file not exist”。bash文件内容如下: #!/bin/bashif[ -f123.tx...
if[[ ! -f "/critical/file"]]; then echo"Error: File not found!" exit100 # 退出代码 100 表示文件缺失。 fi 回到顶部 Linux 中的常见错误代码 退出代码提供了对脚本行为的洞察。常见代码包括: 0:成功 1:一般错误 2:Shell 内置命令的误用 127:命令未找到 128:无效的退出参数 130:脚本被 Ctrl+C 终...
For example, if we need to move all .bash files into the script folder and then give them execute permissions, our script would look like this:#!/bin/bash for FILE in $HOME/*.bash; do mv "$FILE" "${HOME}/scripts" chmod +x "${HOME}/scripts/${FILE}" done...
It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. stale bot added the stale label Feb 21, 2021 stale bot closed this as completed Apr 23, 2021 unode mentioned this issue Sep 22, 2021 Replace /bin/bash with /usr/bin/env bash #2341 Closed sckinta...
echo %BUCKET% cd %script_folder% if not exist "venv" (virtualenv -p C:\Python37\python.exe venv) cd venv\Scripts\ call activate cd ..\..\ pip install -r requirements.txt pause 我带来的是: echo %BUCKET% cd %script_folder% #if not exist "venv" (virtualenv -p C:\Python37\pytho...
if [ -f "$MyFile" ]; then echo "$MyFile exists." else echo "$MyFile does not exist." fi Running the script results in the following output: 22. Check Inodes and Disk Usage Inodes represent data units on a physical or virtual server. Each text file, video, folder, HTML file, or...
bash 中的条件语句,基础就是 Test 。 if 先来个实例: x=5; if [ $x = 5 ]; then e...
::if常规用法,注意空格 @echo off :start set /p a= if not %a%==1 ( echo 请输入1 goto start ) else ( echo 输入正确 ) 判断是否存在和是否定义 if not exist d:\test.bat () if defined a () @echo off set a=123 set b=abc ...
0 Mac Bash Script - Telling if a hidden folder is hidden or not 3 How to create a hidden file in Bash 12 Bash loop through directory including hidden file 0 Linux Bash Script unhiding files in the directory 0 Bash does not detect that file exists 4 Bash path variable usin...
---EOF}### Get an absolute path from a relative path to a file## Param1 : Relative path# Returns: 1 if the folder in which the file is located does not exist# 0 othe h)usage;exit0;;v)VERBOSITY=$(($VERBOSITY+1));;g)VERBOSITY="10";;u)OKM_URL="$OPTARG";;p)OKM_PATH="...