If [ ! -s 1] ;then Yes | rm 1 Else Echo “the file is not empty!” Fi Exit 0 执行:./x.sh t.txt(t存在且不空)功能是:___ 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 判断文件 .txt 是否为空 反馈 收藏
To check if a file is empty in a Bash script, you can use the "-s" test, which returns true if the file exists and has a size greater than zero. If you want to check if a file is empty, you would use the "!" (not or negate) operator with "-s" to negate the test. Here...
-n abc : The string length is not 0 abc : The string is not empty 文件测试运算符 实例: #!/bin/bash file="/home/shiyanlou/test.sh" if [ -r $file ] then echo "The file is readable" else echo "The file is not readable" fi if [ -e $file ] then echo "File exists" else ec...
# Python判断目录是否为空在Python中,我们可以使用一些方法来判断一个目录是否为空。这对于我们在处理文件系统时非常有用,因为有时我们需要知道一个目录是否包含文件或子目录,以决定下一步的操作。 本文将介绍以下几种方法来判断目录是否为空: 1. 使用os模块 2. 使用glob模块 3. 使用Path对象 让我们一一来看每种...
可以通过以下方法实现: 1. 使用if语句和条件判断来检查一行是否为空。可以使用内置的变量$1来获取输入的行内容,然后判断该变量是否为空。示例代码如下: ```bash if [ -z "$1" ...
if [[ -n $string ]]; then echo "The string is not empty." else echo "The string is empty." fi 这是我们执行脚本时的结果: 代码语言:txt 复制 $ ./test.sh Strings are different. 例5 我们还可以使用小于<和大于>运算符来检查一个字符串是否比另一个字符串多。
filename="bashfile.sh" size_threshold=1 # Check if file exists if[-e"$filename"] then # Get file size in bytes file_size=$(wc-c<"$filename") # Check if file is empty if["$file_size"-gt"$size_threshold"] then echo"File exists and is not empty" ...
Check to see if a variable is empty or not Create a new bash file, named, and enter the script below. The script above stores the first command-line argument in a variable and then tests the argument in the next statement. This script will print the first argument because it is not em...
aws_profile_config_add_if_missing.sh - reads AWS profile config blocks from stdin and appends them to the ~/.aws/config file if the profile section is not found aws_profile_generate_direnvs.sh - generates subdirectories containing the config.ini and .envrc for every AWS profile found in ...
touch"$file"fi #-n 判断一个变量是否有值if[ ! -n"$var"]; then echo"$var is empty"exit0fi # 判断两个变量是否相等if["$var1"="$var2"]; then echo'$var1 eq $var2'elseecho'$var1 not eq $var2'fi 注意空格,与标点符号。if与[之间要有空格。[]里面的也要有空格。