In that case, the name of file(s) to check for is not known. Note that thetestcommand and thebash's-fflag do not work with wildcard patterns. The easiest way to check if any file with a wildcard expression exists is to uselscommand. You simply check ifls(with a pattern) returns ...
This script first checks if the source file "error.log" exists using the -f option with the "if" statement. If the source file exists, it uses the "cp" command to copy "error.log" to a new file named "old_error.log". Afterward, it checks the exit status of the "cp" command ...
sbopkg, slackpkg, slapt-{get,src}: Use shorter form of the check if file exists. (3388314) rmmod: Add option completions. (47c49db) testsuite/generate: Generate less linefeeds. (068e422) insmod: Install for insmod.static too. (d02b4e1) mplayer: Add -monitoraspect arg completion. (a90...
$* is the wildcard that includes all arguments with word splitting, $@ holds the same data but in an array.Q35. Which command is being run in this script to check if file.txt exists?if [ -f file.txt ]; then echo "file.txt exists" fi/...
as per Option 2 but targets filename into target directory so filename does not need to be written in both source and target. Option 4 install -D filena* -m640 -t some/deep/directory/ as per Option 3 but uses a wildcard for multiple files. It works nicely in Ubuntu and combine...
? is a wildcard character that matches any single character. Therefore, ${org_string%?} removes the last character of org_string, whatever that character may be. 2.4 Remove the First and Last Characters of a String Use Parameter Expansion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #!/bin/bash org_string=...
If varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; otherwise set it to word and then return its value. Positional and special parameters cannot be assigned this way. Purpose: Setting a variable to a default value if it is undefined. Example: ${count:=0} sets count to 0 if it is ...
* in a shell command line will be expanded as file names(hidden files excluded), if it is a wildcard in an argument, should be enclosed by qutoes or escaped# find . -name *.c => means find . -name x.c y.c z.c where x.c y.c z.c are only files ending with .c in curren...
Printing File Names Based on Extension If you are looking for a way to find files with a specific filetype, this feature of the echo command works the same way. The echo command supports listing files in a directory with a particular extension with the wildcard character (*). ...
The longest and shortest pattern-matching operators produce the same output unless they are used with the * wildcard operator. As an example, if filename had the value alicece, then both ${filename%ce} and ${filename%%ce} would produce the result alice. This is because ce is an exact...