问:在 Bash shell 脚本中什么命令检查某个目录是否存在?...答:要检查目录是否存在,请执行以下操作: if [ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then echo "$DIRECTORY does exist." fi 一行代码的形式则如下: [...要检查目录是否不存在,请执行以下操作: ...
TestFile1 does not exist or is empty. 现在创建一个空文件用来测试: [student@studentvm1 testdir]$ File="TestFile1" ; touch $File ; if [ -s $File ] ; then echo "$File exists and contains data." ; else echo "$File does not exist or is empty." ; fi TestFile1 does not exist ...
if DirectoryExists(cookiespath) then 判断目录是否存在fileexists 是判断文件的 。 文件 转载 mob604756fc093d 2016-12-09 07:05:00 352阅读 2 PathFileExists 文件目录是否存在 if(!PathFileExists(_T("d:\\test"))) return NULL; 也可用CFileFinder查找文件是否存在。PathFileExists可查看目录和文件。
Usage: mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -m, --mode=MODE set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask -p, --parents no error if existing, make parent...
echo"Now in $dir"elseecho"Can't change to $dir"fi9.test或[]的使用,也不一定要有if 例如 #!/bin/bash var1=20var2=22["$var1"-ne"$var2"] && echo"$var1 is not equal to $var2"home=/home [-d $home ] || echo"$home directory does not exist"注意:&&:前一个操作失败,后一个...
[ken ~]$lsnon_exist2>error.log[ken ~]$[ken ~]$caterror.logls: cannot access'non_exist': No such file or directory 会发现ls命令的错误信息并没有打印到屏幕上,而是在文件error.log里。 PS:跟标准输出不同,这里的文件描述符2不能省略。另外,不存在的重定向目标文件仍会先被创建,已存在的目标文件...
As suggested above by help_asap and spongeman you can use the 'install' command to copy files to existing directories or create create new destination directories if they don't already exist. Option 1 install -D filename some/deep/directory/filename copies file to a new or existing dir...
cd $some_directory && rm * # 第一步执行失败,才会执行第二步 cd $some_diectory || exit 1 source命令用于执行一个脚本,通常用于重新加载一个配置文件。 source命令最大的特点是在当前 Shell 执行脚本,不像直接执行脚本时,会新建一个子 Shell。所以,source命令执行脚本时,不需要export变量 ...
find_lock.sh - tries to find if a lockfile is used in the given or current working directory by taking snapshots of the file list before and after a prompt in which you should open/close an application foreach_path_bin.sh - runs each binary of the given name found in $PATH with the...