When writing shell scripts, we may come across a situation where we need to know the size of a file. For example, you may need to use this size to perform other actions, such as moving the file to a different directory or deleting it. This tutorial will discuss quick methods you can ...
#!/bin/bash # File to consider FILENAME=./testfile.txt # MAXSIZE is 5 MB MAXSIZE = 500000 # Get file size FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME") # Checkpoint echo "Size of $FILENAME = $FILESIZE bytes." # The following doesn't work if [ (( $FILESIZE > MAXSIZE...
了SSH协议,将登录信息全部加密,成为互联网安全的一个基本解决方案,迅速在全世界获得推广, 目前已经成为...= nil { panic(err) } defer terminal.Restore(fd,oldState) session.Stdout = stdout session.Stderr...= stderr session.Stdin = os.Stdin termWidth, termHeight, err := terminal.GetSize(fd) ...
格式: file 文件名… [root@localhost ~]# touch file1.txt file2.doc [root@localhost ~]# ls file* file1.txt file2.doc [root@localhost ~]# file /bin/ls /bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs)...
aws_secret_update_binary.sh - base64 encodes a given file's contents and updates a given Secrets Manager secret. Useful for updating a QR code screenshot for a root account aws_secret_get.sh - gets a secret value for a given secret from Secrets Manager, retrieving either a secure string...
...代码如下: /** * 方法一:获取当前可执行jar包所在目录 */ String filePath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); String pathSplit...ClassName.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath() 但是这种方法不支持中文,需要使用以下代码方法,进行转换 /** * 方法二:获取当前可...
C:\size.sh 5168772 004ede84 0 4e de 84 8+0 records in 8+0 records out 8 bytes (8 B) copied, 0.0002827 s, 28.3 kB/s 这里是文件上所写内容的十六进制视图: file view 所以,我可以看到4个字节00 4E DE 84已经被写入,但是每个字节后面都是0D,我做错了什么?我想做的是在388位写84DE4E00(516...
For multiples extensions files: nsoualem@gold: ->FILE=archive.tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%%.*}archive nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%.*}archive.tar nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE#*.}tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE##*.}gz...
So now lets get only username from this file. Where -F specifies that on which base we are going to separate the fields. In our case it's :. { print $1 } means print out the first matching field.awk -F':' '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd...
Also as Dave suggested, error messages are better sent to stderr so they don't get included when stdout is redirected: echo "Illegal number of parameters" >&2 Exiting the script It's also logical to make the script exit when invalid parameters are passed to it. This has already been ...