ls -l filename #Displays Size of the specified file ls -l * #Displays Size of All the files in the current directory ls -al * #Displays Size of All the files including hidden files in the current directory ls -al dir/ #Displays Size of All the files including hidden files in the ...
System.out.println...(directory.getAbsolutePath());//获取绝对路径 }catch(Exceptin e){} File.getCanonicalPath()和File.getAbsolutePath...,返回当前的路径加上你在new File()时设定的路径 # 至于getPath()函数,得到的只是你在new File()时设定的路径 比如当前的路径为 C:\test : File directory ...
(1)pwd命令 用途:查看工作目录(Print Working Directory) (2)cd命令 用途:切换工作目录(Change Directory) 格式:cd [目录位置] [root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/httpd 绝对路径 [root@localhost httpd]# cd conf [root@localhost conf]# cd ~benet 相对路径 [root@localhost benet]# pwd /home/benet [root@...
applescript/ directory: - send N keystroke combinations - send N mouse click combinations to sequence of screen coordinates - print the current mouse coordinates - to know what to pass to above script - switc...
When writing shell scripts, we may come across a situation where we need to know the size of a file. For example, you may need to use this size to perform other actions, such as moving the file to a different directory or deleting it. How to Get the Size
Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master .github release utils .editorconfig .remarkrc LICENSE format.bash install.bash mangadl.bash merge.bash tools.bash Latest commit Akianonymus Fix manganato | A alias to manganelo |Fix#7 ...
URL's last component-X, --exclude-directories=LIST list of excluded directories-np, --no-parent don't ascend to the parent directoryMail bug reports and suggestions to<> 2、下载文件 wget-c http://xxxxxxxxx/tools/app.bin -O app.bin ...
$file/etc/etc: directory #使用-i选项,可以MIME类型的格式显示文件类型信息 $file-i /etc/inittab/etc/inittab: text/plain; charset=us-ascii $file-i /etc/init.d/network/etc/init.d/network: text/x-shellscript; charset=us-ascii $file-i /usr/bin/file/usr/bin/file: application/x-executable...
Shows the disk usage of files or directories. For more information on this command check this linkdu [option] [filename|directory]Options:-h (human readable) Displays output it in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M) and gigabytes (G). -s (supress or summarize) Outputs total disk space of a ...