Run Script File 1 2 3 ./BashScript.shOUTPUT 1 2 3 /c/Users/John/Desktop/bashFilesIn Bash, the $0 variable refers to the script’s name or shell being executed. For example, we used the $0 with dirname to get the current script’s directory. ...
# while preserving the file extension. # Check before running: Need 3 arguments to run the script properly if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then echo "Didn't run, because the number of argument needs to be 2" echo "EX: $0 [/path/to/file] [new_name_prefix]" exit 0 fi # 1. Get the ol... &> filename:重定向 的 stdout(标准输出)和 stderr(标准错误)到 filename 中。 >&2:重定向 的 stdout 到 stderr 中。 >> filename:把 的输出追加到文件 filename 中。如果 filename 不存在的话,将会被创建。 竖线(|) 管道 分析前边命令的输出,...
killall processnamec. &The & symbol instructs the command to run as a background process in a subshell.command &d. nohupnohup stands for "No Hang Up". This allows to run command/process or shell script that can continue running in the background after you log out from a shell.nohup ...
# Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH 代码浅析: -f ~/.bashrc:如果/home/test/.bashrc为普通文件,那么返回真,即if [ true ], ...
/usr/bin/env bash# echo"Script arguments: $@"echo"First arg: $1. Second arg: $2."echo"Number of arguments: $#" 上面几个变量可以获取全部参数、指定参数($2获取第2个参数,以此类推)以及参数的数目。 代码语言:javascript
#use what we learned in a script. #Let's get some information from the user and add it to our scripts with stanard input and read echo "What is your name? " read name #Here standard output directed to append a file to learnToScirptStandardOutput ...
get_window_size() { # 用法: get_window_size printf '%b' "${TMUX:+\\ePtmux;\\e}\\e[14t${TMUX:+\\e\\\}" IFS=';t' read -d t -t 0.05 -sra term_size printf '%s\n' "${term_size[1]}x${term_size[2]}" }示例用法:#...
alias apt-get='sudo apt-get' ... alias命令默认会列出当前用户定义好的别名。 如何定义或者创建一个 bash shell 别名 使用下面语法创建别名: alias name =value alias name = 'command' alias name = 'command arg1 arg2' alias name = '/path/to/script' ...
get({ uri: url, encoding: null, // encoding: 'utf-8', }); fs.writeFileSync(filename, pdfBuffer); log('✅ pdf finished!'); // exit 0; } const url = ''; const filename = folder + '/cs...