In the above example, the BASH_SOURCE variable is used with dirname to get the path of executing the script directory. In Bash, the BASH_SOURCE is an array variable containing the list of source file names associated with each script level. Here, dirname is used to extract the directory ...
filename=/home/john/Desktop/test.tar.gz basename ${filename} .tar.gz OUTPUT 1 2 3 test Using basename Command Use the basename command to get the filename without extension in Bash. Use basename Command 1 2 3 4 filename=/home/john/Desktop/ basename "${filename%.*}" OU...
Files and directories whose names begin with a period are hidden by default. To include these items in a directory listing, use an -a flag:Bash Copy ls -a To get even more information about the files and directories in the current directory, use an -l flag:Bash Copy ...
In Linux, file names and the commands that operate upon them are case-sensitive. So to list all the files in the current directory whose names contain periods followed by an uppercase or lowercase J or P, you could enter this:Bash Copy ...
How to get the directory path and file name from a absolute path in Bash on Linux? Posted onMar 24, 2018byEric MaInQA Eric Ma Ericis a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions ex...
Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master .github release utils .editorconfig .remarkrc LICENSE format.bash install.bash mangadl.bash merge.bash tools.bash Latest commit Akianonymus Fix manganato | A alias to manganelo |Fix#7 ...
For multiples extensions files: nsoualem@gold: ->FILE=archive.tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%%.*}archive nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%.*}archive.tar nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE#*.}tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE##*.}gz...
rmdir:Remove Directory(删除目录) rm:Remove(删除目录或文件) cat:concatenate连锁 cat file1file2>>file3 把文件1和文件2的内容联合起来放到file3中 insmod:install module,载入模块 ln -s:link -soft创建一个软链接,相当于创建一个快捷方式 mkdir:Make Directory(创建目录) ...
同樣的輸入在 bash 進行擴充套件之後,會輸 出 file1 file2 . 如果需要同 sh 嚴格地保持相容,需要在啟動 bash 的時候使用 +B 選項,或者使 用 set 命令加上 +B 選項來禁用花括號擴充套件 (參見下面的 shell 內建命令(SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS) 章節)。 Tilde Expansion 如果一個詞以沒有引用的波浪線字元 ...
同樣的輸入在 bash 進行擴展之後,會輸出 file1 file2 . 如果需要同 sh 嚴格地保持兼容,需要在啓動 bash 的時候使用 +B 選項,或者使用 set 命令加上 +B 選項來禁用花括號擴展 (參見下面的 shell 內建命令(SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS) 章節)。 Tilde Expansion 如果一個詞以沒有引用的波浪線字符 (`~') 開始...