checks/ - recursively iterates all SQL code files found in the given or current directory and runs SQLFluff linter against them, inferring the different SQL dialects from each path/filename/extension AWS - Amazon Web Services aws/ directory: AWS scripts - aws_*.sh: aws_pr...
filename=/home/john/Desktop/ basename "${filename%.*}" OUTPUT 1 2 3 file First, we saved the file’s name with its complete path in a variable named filename. Then, we used the basename command to retrieve the filename from the specified path while "${filename%.*}" was...
/bin/bashPOSITIONAL_ARGS=()#初始化一个空数组,用来存储位置参数while[[$#-gt0]];do#当命令行参数的数量大于0时,进入循环case$1in-e|--extension)#如果参数是这个,脚本会将紧随其后的参数(文件扩展名)保存在变量EXTENSION中EXTENSION="$2"shift # 跳过参数 shift # 跳过后面的值;;-s|--searchpath)#如...
ShellCheck is built and packaged using Cabal. Install the packagecabal-installfrom your system's package manager (with e.g.apt-get,brew,emerge,yum, orzypper). On macOS (OS X), you can do a fast install of Cabal using brew, which takes a couple of minutes instead of more than 30 minu...
NVM_RC_VERSION - version from .nvmrc file if being used.Additionally, nvm modifies PATH, and, if present, MANPATH and NODE_PATH when changing versions.Bash CompletionTo activate, you need to source bash_completion:[[ -r $NVM_DIR/bash_completion ]] && \. $NVM_DIR/bash_completionPut...
namespace: default region: ap-guangzhou memorySize: 128 timeout: 3 events: - apigw: parameters: endpoints: - path: / method: GET 说明: SCF 组件的详细配置,请参见 全量配置文档。 3. 执行scf deploy 命令创建云函数,创建成功则返回结果如下: serverless-cloud-framework Action: "deploy" - St...
When run from the root of the C: drive, this command returns the path of the Windows folder in the C: drive. --- Example 3: Get all paths in the Windows folder --- PS C:\> "C:\windows\*" | Resolve-Path This command returns...
_fb_adb_msg 'cannot get PATH' return 1 fi _fb_adb_split ':' "$device_path" if ! _fb_adb_device_ls -e -- "${aresult[@]}"; then return 1 fi fi local i local -a candidates=() for ((i=0; i < ${#aresult[@]}; i+=3)); do local d_name=${aresult...
Be sure to use the correct path! I used homebrew to install git, use brew list git to get the path to your current installation. Would be nice not to use a hard coded path, but don't know how to get the path to the current installation. More infos here:
alias apt-get='sudo apt-get' ... alias命令默认会列出当前用户定义好的别名。 如何定义或者创建一个 bash shell 别名 使用下面语法创建别名: alias name =value alias name = 'command' alias name = 'command arg1 arg2' alias name = '/path/to/script' ...