一、获取当前文件的路径1、获得当前执行的exe的文件名string fileName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;2、获取和设置当前目录(即该进程从中启动的目录)的完全限定路径。string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory; (备注:按照定义,如果该进程在本地或网络驱动器的根目录中启动, c# System 应用...
Bash: get absolute path to current script Bash shell path relative to current script Bash: while loop - break - continue Functions in Linux shell (bash) Create temporary directory on Linux with Bash using mktemp Count number of lines in a file and divide it by number of seconds in...
(directory.getCanonicalPath());//获取标准的路径 System.out.println...(directory.getAbsolutePath());//获取绝对路径 }catch(Exceptin e){} File.getCanonicalPath()和File.getAbsolutePath...,返回当前的路径加上你在new File()时设定的路径 # 至于getPath()函数,得到的只是你在new File()时设定的路径...
情况1:在一个目录下面只有文件,没有文件夹,这个时候可以使用os.listdir 在我们有一个file目录(文件夹),里面有三个文件: file(dir)|--|test1.txt --|test2.txt --|test3.txt用下面的程序获得文件的绝对路径:import os path = r'C:/Users/lijiale/chdata' for filename in os.lis ...
DirectoryStr=/path/to/somewhere//shopt-s extglob CurrentDir=${DirectoryStr%%+(/)}CurrentDir=${CurrentDir##*/}CurrentDir=${CurrentDir:-/}printf'%s\n'"$CurrentDir" Let’s explain this example part by part. On the first line, we create a variable and assign it with the path to the ...
checks/check_sqlfluff.sh - recursively iterates all SQL code files found in the given or current directory and runs SQLFluff linter against them, inferring the different SQL dialects from each path/filename/extension AWS - Amazon Web Services aws/ directory: AWS scripts - aws_*.sh: aws_pr...
For example, we used the $0 with dirname to get the current script’s directory. After executing the above code directory path of the BashScript.sh file is retrieved as /c/Users/John/Desktop/bashFiles. The $0 variable can be helpful for various purposes, such as printing the script name ...
It's simple, but let's get some practice. First, enter this command to make sure you're in the right place: BashCopy cd~ This command moved you back to your specialhomedirectory in the shell, if you weren't already there. Double check by using thepwdcommand one more time: ...
Type: Bug Behaviour When I open a Gitbash terminal window, rather than the path being set to current workspace directory as before, it is being set to some C:/Users/myuser/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code path and it appears some...
rmdir:Remove Directory(删除目录) rm:Remove(删除目录或文件) cat:concatenate连锁 cat file1file2>>file3 把文件1和文件2的内容联合起来放到file3中 insmod:install module,载入模块 ln -s:link -soft创建一个软链接,相当于创建一个快捷方式 mkdir:Make Directory(创建目录) ...