Simply type the CD directory name and then click enter. You can print your directory to check this new path. The working directory can be changed to the existing one, and the current working directory will be updated, as shown in the example below. Here, we have reached the home directory...
一、获取当前文件的路径1、获得当前执行的exe的文件名string fileName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;2、获取和设置当前目录(即该进程从中启动的目录)的完全限定路径。string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory; (备注:按照定义,如果该进程在本地或网络驱动器的根目录中启动, c# System 应用...
result=${PWD##*/} # to assign to a variable printf '%s\n' "${PWD##*/}" # to print to stdout # ...more robust than echo for unusual names # (consider a directory named -e or -n) printf '%q\n' "${PWD##*/}" # to print to stdout, quoted for use as shell input # ....
Bash: get absolute path to current script Bash shell path relative to current script Bash: while loop - break - continue Functions in Linux shell (bash) Create temporary directory on Linux with Bash using mktemp Count number of lines in a file and divide it by number of seconds in...
(directory.getCanonicalPath());//获取标准的路径 System.out.println...(directory.getAbsolutePath());//获取绝对路径 }catch(Exceptin e){} File.getCanonicalPath()和File.getAbsolutePath...,返回当前的路径加上你在new File()时设定的路径 # 至于getPath()函数,得到的只是你在new File()时设定的路径...
NSString * 日志路径。 返回值 无 示例代码 1 2 3 ///路径为默认路径NSString * logPath= [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 发布模型路径 在左侧导航栏选择“模型路径探索”,进入“模型路径探索”页面。 在模型路径选择框中下拉切换...
NSString * 日志路径。 返回值 无 示例代码 1 2 3 ///路径为默认路径NSString * logPath= [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 发布模型路径 在左侧导航栏选择“模型路径探索”,进入“模型路径探索”页面。 在模型路径选择框中下拉切换...
#Get Current Directory workdir=$(pwd)#Install Basic Tools if [[ ${OS} == Ubuntu ]];then apt-get update apt-get install python -y apt-get install python-pip -y apt-get install git -y apt-get install language-pack-zh-hans -y
as the directory name:Bash Copy cd .. This command changes to your home directory; the one you land in when you first sign in:Bash Copy cd ~ You can create directories by using the mkdir command. The following command creates a subdirectory named orders in the current working directory...
For example, we used the $0 with dirname to get the current script’s directory. After executing the above code directory path of the file is retrieved as /c/Users/John/Desktop/bashFiles. The $0 variable can be helpful for various purposes, such as printing the script name ...