.../bin/bash basepath=`cd \`dirname $0\`; pwd` echo $basepath 参考资料: https://blog.csdn.net/jackyechina/...article/details/52813007 http://sexywp.com/bash-how-to-get-the-basepath-of-current-running-script.htm 1.8K20 Qt和VC++中获取当前应用程序全路径...
In Bash, the $0 variable refers to the script’s name or shell being executed. For example, we used the $0 with dirname to get the current script’s directory. After executing the above code directory path of the BashScript.sh file is retrieved as /c/Users/John/Desktop/bashFiles. The ...
$file/etc/etc: directory #使用-i选项,可以MIME类型的格式显示文件类型信息 $file-i /etc/inittab/etc/inittab: text/plain; charset=us-ascii $file-i /etc/init.d/network/etc/init.d/network: text/x-shellscript; charset=us-ascii $file-i /usr/bin/file/usr/bin/file: application/x-executable...
To get the script directory in Bash, you can use thedirname $0command. This command will return the path of your Bash script. Here’s a simple example: #!/bin/bash# This will print the directory of the scriptecho$(dirname$0)# Output:# /path/to/your/script Bash Copy In this example,...
Getting the source directory of a Bash script from within【@stackoverflow】; How do I determine the location of my script? I want to read some config files from the same place【BashFAQ/028 脚本文件目录】; Parameter Substitution参数替换,字符串查找、替换、截取操作; ...
Progress bars Get the list of functions in a script Bypass shell aliases Bypass shell functions Run a command in the backgroundAFTERWORDFOREWORDA collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes and programs. The bash scripting language is more powerful than people realise and most tasks ...
$0 is the name of the current script as it was executed. So if we run the script as ./examples/shell/absolute.sh then that will be the content of $0. realpath prints the abosulte path. dirname prints the directory name, leaving the last part of the path which is in this case ...
If .bash_profile doesn’t exist in your home directory, then bash will look for .bash_login. If that doesn’t exist it will look for .profile. One advantage of bash’s ability to look for either synonym is that you can retain your .profile if you have been using the Bourne shell. ...
/bin/bash## Name: test-bucket-1## Purpose:# Performs the test-bucket number 1 for Product X.# (Actually, this is a sample shell script,# which invokes some system commands# to illustrate how to construct a Bash script)## Notes:# 1) The environment variable TEST_VAR must be set# (...
applescript/ directory: keystrokes.sh - send N keystroke combinations mouse_clicks.sh - send N mouse click combinations to sequence of screen coordinates get_mouse_coordinates.sh - print the current mouse coordinates - to know what to pass to above script mouse_clicks_remote_desktop.sh - switc...