System.out.println...(directory.getAbsolutePath());//获取绝对路径 }catch(Exceptin e){} File.getCanonicalPath()和File.getAbsolutePath...,返回当前的路径加上你在new File()时设定的路径 # 至于getPath()函数,得到的只是你在new File()时设定的路径 比如当前的路径为 C:\test : File directory ...
一、获取当前文件的路径1、获得当前执行的exe的文件名string fileName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;2、获取和设置当前目录(即该进程从中启动的目录)的完全限定路径。string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory; (备注:按照定义,如果该进程在本地或网络驱动器的根目录中启动, c# System 应用...
But the first line is more robust than theechofor some unusual name where the second is quoted for using as a shell input, and it is also useful for making hidden characters readable. After running the script above, you will get only the current directory folder name. ...
gitclone clone the repositorycdBash-Snippets# cd into the cloned directorygit checkout v1.23.0# Git checkout to the latest stable release ./ all# install all scripts or ./ stocks# to install individual scripts ...
TransferDownloadCommand:-d desiredOutputDirectory ivmfj test.txt TransferFile::// 该文件将上传到 站点。 允许你一次上传最大 10 GB 的文件。所有共享文件在 14 天后自动过期。如你所见,任何人都可以通过 Web 浏览器访问 URL 或使用 transfer 目录来下载文件...
mkdir:Make Directory(创建目录) touch:touch man:Manual su:Swith user(切换用户) cd:Change directory ls:List files mkfs:Make file system fsck:File system check uname:Unix name lsmod:List modules mv:Move file cp:Copy file ln:Link files
$0 is the name of the current script as it was executed. So if we run the script as ./examples/shell/ then that will be the content of $0. realpath prints the abosulte path. dirname prints the directory name, leaving the last part of the path which is in this case ...
"$HOSTTYPE"Get the name of the Operating System / KernelThis can be used to add conditional support for different Operating Systems without needing to call uname."$OSTYPE"Get the current working directoryThis is an alternative to the pwd built-in....
pathmunge /sbin after fi HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname 2>/dev/null` HISTSIZE=1000 if [ "$HISTCONTROL" = "ignorespace" ] ; then export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth else export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups fi export PATH USER LOGNAME MAIL HOSTNAME HISTSIZE HISTCONTROL # By default, we want umask to get set...
unix-filename-rubout 删除标志点后的单词,用空格和斜杠作为单词的界限。删除后的文本保存在删除环中。 delete-horizontal-space 删除标志点左右的空格和制表符。这个命令默认没有绑定。 kill-region 删除当前区域中的文本。这个命令默认没有绑定。 copy-region-as-kill 把区域中的文本复制到删除环缓存中,以便可以立即...