returning from a function Hi all, I am very new to BASH shell programming. I need to return an integer from a function to the caller function. I did this: but it keeps giving me wrong return: Can someone help me out here, please? Thanks ...
如果要在函数中显式地设置返回值,可以使用return语句,如下所示: 代码语言:txt 复制 my_function() { # 函数逻辑 return 1 } 在上述例子中,my_function函数将总是返回1。 下面是一个更完整的示例,展示了如何在Bash中定义函数并设置返回值: 代码语言:txt ...
如何没有最后的reture,例如后面的push_func,exit status就是最后执行的command的exit status return $result }push_func( ) { dirname=$1 #如果dirname为null,退出funcuntion,如cd dirname成功,push the directory ,否则显示still in $PWD,cd使用function的cd函数,其优先级别高于已在内核编译了的cd if cd ${dir...
“Failed to delete empty directory: ” + dir); } } /** * 递归删除目录下的所有文件及子目录下所有文件...* @param dir 将要删除的文件目录 * @return boolean Returns “true” if all deletions were successful. * If a deletion...static boolean deleteDir(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()...
return$result } push_func( ) { dirname=$1 #如果dirname为null,退出funcuntion,如cd dirname成功,push the directory ,否则显示still in $PWD,cd使用function的cd函数,其优先级别高于已在内核编译了的cd ifcd ${dirname:?"missing directory name."}then ...
elif boolean_expression2; then suite2 ... elif boolean_expressionn; then suiten else else_suite fi 练习:写一个脚本,接受如此格式 {start|stop|restart|status} 1、如是start,那么创建/var/lock/subsys/,显示启动成功; 2、如果参数是stop,则删除/var/lock/subsys/,显示停止...
return 1 } linearSearch $someStringValue "${someArray[@]}" In Bash 4.3 and above, you can pass an array to a function by reference by defining the parameter of a function with the-noption. function callingSomeFunction () { local -n someArray=$1 # also ${1:?} to make the paramet...
function isTrue() { if [[ "${@^^}" =~ ^(TRUE|OUI|Y|O$|ON$|[1-9]) ]]; then return 0;fi return 1 } Wich可以这样用 if isTrue "$whatever"; then.. 您可以更改regexp中的“true列表”,本例中的“true列表”与法语兼容,并将诸如“yes, yes, on,1, Oui,y,true”之类的字符串视为...
$RANDOM is a bash function (not a constant) that returns a random signed 16-bit integer (from 0 through 32767). The let command is a built-in Bash command to evaluate arithmetic expressions. Using the following command creates a sufficiently unique value for most purposes. Azure CLI Copy Cl...
Return value in a Bash function; Difference between return and exit in BASH functions; 备注 source:How to include file in a bash shell script? source *filename* [arguments] Read and execute commands fromfilenamein the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command ...