In Bash 4.3 and above, you can pass an array to a function by reference by defining the parameter of a function with the-noption. function callingSomeFunction () { local -n someArray=$1 # also ${1:?} to make the parameter mandatory. for value in "${someArray[@]}" # Nice! do ...
$n, corresponding to the position of the parameter after the function’s name.# The $0 variable is reserved for the function’s name.# The $# variable holds the number of positional parameters/arguments passed to the function.# The $* or $@ variable holds all positional parameters/arguments ...
Parameter#1 is 2 1. 2. 参考:
/bin/bash# BASH FUNCTIONS CAN BE DECLARED IN ANY ORDER function function_B { echo Function B. } function function_A { echo $1 } function function_D { echo Function D. } function function_C { echo $1 } # FUNCTION CALLS # Pass parameter to function A function_A "Function A." functi...
参考:parameter passing - How to pass MULTIPLE values for an argument in R using bash - Stack Overflow
In our case the required parameter is the filename, or “test_20150201.csv” which is the sixth element of the array [6]. At this point you just need to assign a variable with the element that interests us: name <- args[6]
// ## ## ### declare -a STRINGS_TO_REPLACE STRINGS_TO_REPLACE=("tag1" "...
This time, Bash interpreted the input string as a single parameter, which is what we wanted in the first place. Nevertheless, since we used single quotes, no command substitution occurred. As a result, the function printed $(uname) instead of Linux. Finally, let’s use double quotes to di...
Function definition: The "square()" function is defined to take one parameter (the number to be squared). It calculates the square of the number by multiplying the number by itself. It returns the result. User input: The script prompts the user to enter a number. ...
Passing an Empty Variable as a Parameter to a Bash Function Question: What is the way to send an empty variable as a parameter to a bash function without it being ignored? Here's an example: #/bin/bash foo(){ echo "foo() called with $# arguments."; ...