/bin/bashfunction test_func(){ echo "Current $FUNCNAME, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})" another_func echo "Current $FUNCNAME, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})"}function another_func(){ echo "Current $FUNCNAME, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})"} echo "Out of function, \$...
Exit Codes With Special Meanings Table E-1. Reserved Exit Codes Exit Code NumberMeaningExampleComments 1 Catchall for general errors let &qu
echo"Current $FUNCNAME, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})"}functionanother_func(){echo"Current $FUNCNAME, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})"}echo"Out of function, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})"test_func echo"Out of function, \$FUNCNAME => (${FUNCNAME[@]})" 执行后的结果...
Find where a bash function is defined In many cases, it may be useful to find out where a function has been defined so you can either fix or update it. Though, either in the interactive or non-interactive mode, you can’t easily trace a specific function. In bash, you will need to...
具体方法如下:在组件中引入css文件: @import url(css文件路径) 在组件中引入js文件: 首先需要将我们的js模块“抛出”,让其他文件能获取到...;如下, function home() { console.log("我是js文件") } export { home } 其次在需要导入的文件导入; ...如发现本站有涉嫌侵权/违法违规的内容, 请发送邮件至 ...
环境中存储的是环境变量和shell 变量,shell变量是Bash存放的少量数据。除了变量之外,shell还存储了一些编程数据,比如function和别名。printenv 打印环境变量printenv [variable name] 默认会打印全部的环境变量。pi@raspberrypi:~ $ printenv SHELL=/bin/bash PWD=/home/pi LOGNAME=pi HOME=/home/pi LANG=en_GB....
functiongetGitBranch(){constres=execa.commandSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD');returnres.stdout;}constcurbranch=getGitBranch()console.log('curbranch==',curbranch);// master// 以下是res输出curbranch==master{command:'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD',escapedCommand:'git rev-parse --...
avoids polluting the global name space and inadvertently setting variables that may have significance outside the function. Declaration and assignment must be separate statements when the assignment value is provided by a command substitution; as the local builtin does not propagate the exit code from...
function question(query?: string, options?: QuestionOptions): Promise<string> type QuestionOptions = { choices: string[] } 复制代码 1. 2. 3. sleep() 基于setTimeout 函数 await sleep(1000) 复制代码 1. 2. nothrow() 将$ 的行为更改, 如果退出码不是0,不跑出异常. ...
Code: #!/bin/bash # Define the factorial function factorial() { local num=$1 local result=1 # Check if num is negative if [ $num -lt 0 ]; then echo "Error: Factorial is not defined for negative numbers" exit 1 fi # Calculate factorial ...